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Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

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    Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    I notice that Sundays (THE church day) people tend to be highly pissy. It's like yeah, I got out of church but no, I'm going to just rip into this cashier who just wants to give me a coupon.
    For some silly reason, they don't go immediately from Mass to breakfast?

    Or is fasting before Communion purely a Catholic habit?
    Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

    Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

    "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

    John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

    "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

    Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


      Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

      Fasting on a Sunday...Blasphemy(for me Sunday is chow down right out of bed)
      MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

      all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
      NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
      don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


      my new page here,let me know what you think.

      nothing but the shadow of what was



        Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

        Originally posted by thalassa View Post
        I would say that thinking that killing someone for their beliefs is the extremist position, regardless of what those beliefs are.

        People come by extreme beliefs in many ways. Sometimes by extreme experiences. Who the hell are you to decide a rape victim or a woman traumatized by an abusive father in a sick version leave it to beaver should be executed for the views that give her the power to make it through another day?

        The idea that men suck and are responsible for the ills of society is hardly a new's been around since the days of Lysistrata. Because men have consistently held the power in society, and even today...and look what you've done with it. Is it really that much of a jump for someone to think that maybe you all should collectively see what it feels like to be marginalized? Or for some people to feel threatened by the very idea of losing their dominance? I'm pretty sure that is human nature on both sides.

        TBH, the middle ground is not held by people with middle views, it's held by a spectrum of views coming to a consensus acceptance of the middle. And it is forced to progress (or regress, though the overall trend seems to be progreasion) by the ends getting tugged on now and again.

        Extreme views most dangerous when we meet them with extreme violence. Violence, particularly by the state, creates sympathy and resentment where otherwise their might be apathy. Killing extremists simply for their ideas (and not for their actions) only serves to make more extremists (and often makes them more extreme) and turns the middle into its own for of extremism.
        I was going to write a response, but then I read this. I can't agree with this more, so I'll just quote it and give Thal a high five for expressing this view much better than I could have.


          Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

          Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
          For some silly reason, they don't go immediately from Mass to breakfast?

          Or is fasting before Communion purely a Catholic habit?
          I think around the afternoon is when it starts happening. They get out at 10am. And I'm assuming go eat. Then decide to come terrorize us. I had a little old lady tell me she just came from church. We didn't have an item in stock and she laid down the F bomb right at the register! My small city has quite a few churches within a block of our shopping plaza. In fact across the street is a church!
          Satan is my spirit animal


            Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
            I think around the afternoon is when it starts happening. They get out at 10am. And I'm assuming go eat. Then decide to come terrorize us. I had a little old lady tell me she just came from church. We didn't have an item in stock and she laid down the F bomb right at the register! My small city has quite a few churches within a block of our shopping plaza. In fact across the street is a church!
            So much for hunger as a factor. Past that, I'll default to my normal answer.

            Customers aren't human beings. They cease to be human and become humanoid locusts upon entering a store. Humanity is regained some time after leaving. Trying to make sense of them in human terms doesn't work. They are barely sapient bringers of chaos and destruction to be weathered (because shooting them is illegal) and exploited (they carry money after all) but close examination just creates pain.
            Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

            Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

            "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

            John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

            "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

            Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


              Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

              In my Catholic past, the priest would habitually launch into sermons about leaving the parking lot like a Christian after mass, and not being in such a hurry to head out and harass waitresses...
              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                I think around the afternoon is when it starts happening. They get out at 10am. And I'm assuming go eat. Then decide to come terrorize us. I had a little old lady tell me she just came from church. We didn't have an item in stock and she laid down the F bomb right at the register! My small city has quite a few churches within a block of our shopping plaza. In fact across the street is a church!
                I was always in the past thinking no church goer was supposed to even know the F bomb let alone toss it out in a public place...Live and learn...
                MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                my new page here,let me know what you think.

                nothing but the shadow of what was



                  Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                  Originally posted by Marradin View Post
                  Is it my imagination or do we need to start forming pogroms to go and hunt the 'male rights fringe' (men only pogroms here) and the Hyper Feminist fringe (Female only here)? Am I right to be disturbed by thinking the only solution to both these groups destroying what I feel society is slowly (And finally!) moving to, an equal and tolerant society. Is it a statement on me or them that I see this violent answer may be the only answer?
                  First, it wouldn't work. As cheesy as it sounds, ideas are bulletproof. You can't kill an idea with bullets. Ideas are fought with counter ideas.

                  Second, this could actually make it worse. Turning a group into victims and martyrs can give them fuel to their cause. It can make people sympathize with them and join them.

                  Third, this is, in my opinion, morally wrong. You are killing someone for their opinion, that makes you worse than them. They might be a nasty person, but they are someone's mother/father, son/daughter, brother/sister. You are robbing people out of their loved ones.

                  Finally, where do you draw the line? How extreme does one have to do to deserve the death penalty? And who decides what that line is?


                    Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                    I would like to thank everyone who responded reasonably to my Rant - and yes it was a Rant - one where I'd had a particularly bad day, with 3 Marxist socialists shouting me down when I tried to explain what Radical Centrism is (in a history tutorial no less). The I went through the posts on this site (One of my ways of relaxing, Weird I know) and got angry at the hyper- male rights groups through the linked thread and the Payton Manning thread. So I went onto political and environmental news, in a vain hope of finding the world better than I last left it ( and found some hope) But also found aggressive Hyper-Feminism (Madeline Albright saying you can't be a feminist and vote for Bernie Sanders as a start. The view of Sisterhood confirms Feminism she was espousing is, in my opinion, a form of hate politics, and extremely patronizing besides that.)

                    I needed to get a rant out. I do see many of the dangers, but being a norse pagan see nothing wrong with showing my anger or being particularly politically correct. Better in many ways than holding it in. I am not a pacifist and although violence isn't always (or often) a tool I reach for it is a tool I see as a valid and necessary one. Without keeping a capacity for violence, one leave oneself completely open to subjugation by violence at best, death at worst.

                    3 points (To poke the bear and play devil's advocate, not in a bad way but to encourage debate) though

                    1) I agree state sanctioned violence has exactly the reactions ( and martyr potential) you were describing Thess. I was not discussing state sanctioned. more mob behavior, which has occasionally caused martyrs, but not very often from a historical perspective.

                    2) Killing people for an opinion has sometimes had the effect I desire, especially when their opinion was so horrific that the expansive majority remaining agreed it was what they deserved. I will not invoke a forbidden rule here. I will admit it is hard as a history major.

                    3) Being a Libertarian-Utilitarian Philosopher, my morals when it comes to a death (or murder) that aims to improve society are somewhat flexible. the murder of someone who has raped 5 or more people is something I see as an attempt to reduce societal harm, and I would shed no tears. Rape is potentially more damaging to society then murder with justification. there is a reason it is called soul murder, I have met many people who never recover from a single such instance against them, and for those I know who have had it happen to them more than once .... I don't want to go there. suffice to say that I am proud of those I know who have partially recovered, and respectful and caring to all that I know that this travesty has happened to. I am pro voluntary Euthanasia -within limits and guidelines -as an example as someone who feels they are more of a burden to society than a benefit due to extreme illness should have a right to die. I am also pro Death penalty, albeit in a circumstance that has no legislated parallels in the world today.

                    "They might be a nasty person, but they are someone's mother/father, son/daughter, brother/sister. You are robbing people out of their loved ones." Dumuzi (Above) I respect that that is your opinion. I however will counter with
                    If their family truly cared about them then they would have turned them from the path of hate ( I don't hate the men's rights activists, I feel pity and fury towards them, same with the hyper feminists, for the hatred they create). By saying you have no right to judge them because they probably have family is a weak argument at best. I don't judge their family with fury, just feel pity towards them - and pity that their action or inaction has played some part in making that person who they are. I am not advocating collective responsibility. I am advocating individual responsibility. and the hate the particular groups I have pointed out is extremely dangerous - It is a broad form of hate that can morph at any time to more specific hates, or worse still broader still hates. I have seen it happen. A Case study for you - the Sophie Lancaster case. She was killed and her partner was permanently disabled for simply being different.

                    Finally as an addendum - I am no espousing killing people who hold these views, no matter how extreme - I am advocating the prevention of the spreading of these meme by people on pulpits. And suggesting that a mob is a possible answer. So far I have heard only condemnation of my possible answer, but no other solution has been proposed, so I open the floor of the debate - What possible solutions do people have here? How can we stem the flow of a pair of memes that, even as I have mentioned above, have entered mainstream politics in the US? in the campaign of a major candidate no less?


                      Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                      You fight ideas with ideas, words with words.

                      If you are attacked physically, you defend physically. The people you are talking about have not raped 5 people, nor are they asking to be euthenized, so I cook and eat your red herrings. I really don't care what philosophical banner a person may fly under, I care how what said person's actions do to me and mine.

                      As a student of history you are aware that mob violence has a nasty tendancy to go bad fast. It may seem like a quick fix to ignorant people, but it ain't.

                      Try rule of law - where people who do harm, breaking the law, are arrested, tried, and, if found guilty, penalized as per law.
                      Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                        Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                        The free market of ideas requires other ideas to compete with. Memes are not that different than I said in another thread, constant vigilance.

                        Speak up, speak out, and repeat.

                        Over and over and over and over and over and over. Tolerating someone's right to have an opinion that is abhorrent, ignorant, ignoble, irresponsible, etc is not the same as being tolerating the idea itself. And the way to combat ideas is with other ideas. Its tiring. Sometimes it seems like there is no progress. Sometimes there is no progress. Sometimes there is backwards. Sometimes you want to give up on people, on the world, on giving a flying frog. Lasting change is incremental.

                        Freedom of expression (whether its backed up by the courts or not) means being offended. But it also means you can spread some offense (to them) yourself. Bigotry comes from hate, and hate is an illusion of power used to cover up fear and insecurity. Hatred is a tool that the weak try to use, and get used by in the end.

                        But doing so requires constant vigilance. Speak up, speak out, repeat. Ad nauseam.

                        As Aldous Huxley said in A Brave New World, "Eternal vigilance is not only the price of liberty; eternal vigilance is the price of human decency." (a modificiation of the misattributed-to-Thomas-Jefferson "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty", which really was said by Wendell Philips, and was a fairly well known and often rephrased quote originating from author Thomas Carlton, "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance", and more adroitly summed up by J. K. Rowling's Mad-Eye Moody as "constant vigilance," which I swear, I am getting as a tattoo one day)
                        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                          Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                          Ahh - the old rule of law - and when you say that Violence never solved anything i feel it necessary to make this counter-quote from the same era, one that my studies seem to back. It's all a matter of perspective ...

                          Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms”

                          Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

                          From the same era as Huxley even. And Huxley was not advocating pacifism or non violence. A surveillance state is a form of Violence. perhaps my history as a bouncer is colouring my viewpoint but when people are advocating violence in any form ( and the Male Rights people are, and to a lesser number, but in some ways a greater extent the hyper feminists are.) the only answer is to respond with force. I always try to diffuse situations before they reach the threat throwing stage for that very reason. but a threat is violence. and 90+% of the time will lead to an escalation, especially if someone doesn't intervene with a greater threat or implied threat. These groups are at that point already. just talking, without equaling the level of violence, will fail. And people who hold moderate views are too PC at this time By and large, to risk offending anyone by threatening someone else.

                          The law has become a weak hat to hang our hopes on. The number of laws that are either ridiculous in nature, inconsistently enforced (either across wealth or race) or rarely enforced has weakened that pilliar of our society. The simple fact that they are written in what is almost another language legalese, weakens it further. Alfred the great was very clear when he wrote his laws. That for laws to be effective they must be Clear, concise and in PLAIN LANGUAGE. laws have become for whoever can afford the most obscure translation or construction of the aforementioned Legalese. Or, failing that, who can buy the most judges. That is why I am pro death sentence but against it in any of the forms it is practiced today. But these factors have lead to people flaunting the law and not getting punished and every single instance of this weakens the entire system, no matter the means. The Law is failing every time I look, so don't throw that up as an answer.

                          Oh and to BDC Sorry but at least 5 of the Male Rights advocates I've seen around the web are multiple rapists . at least one of them CERTAINLY is because it is the reason he was denied entry into Aus. I see that red hearing wasn't red herring but a nice meaty piece of steak

                          - - - Updated - - -

                          I will give you the start of the Force continuum so you can give me more Concrete Ideas to fight their Ideas (Insults and threats mostly) with. Your fight ideas with ideas concept is, at best, a skeletal red herring. at worst it is so nebulous that it doesn't even have a backbone. So fill it out man. Don't throw vague answers - I've given you more meat in my answers than your simple one sentence refutations - I feel like you are trying to calm me down when my blood is boiling over by throwing petrol onto the fire -the same excuses that are given time and again by SO MANY moderates for not confronting extremists - "Oh but that might upset someone' - and that has failed when confronting extremism time and again!!!! That is why Extremists are gaining more followers !! There needs to be more fire in Moderates for us to finally stop all the extremist beliefs!

                          First two steps on the force continuum
                          Verbal Insults
                          Verbal threats


                            Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                            Originally posted by Marradin View Post
                            Ahh - the old rule of law - and when you say that Violence never solved anything i feel...
                            Well, dude, I feel your feels, because I feel I must tell you that when you put words into my mouth I have a powerful urge to use violence to solve the problem. I did not say violence never solved anything. If I did, please quote it, and prove me a liar.

                            Otherwise, I step out of this discussion because I refuse to respond to a wannabe intellectual toad who tries to "win" a discussion through false statements.
                            Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                              Re: Why can't we just kill everyone on the fringes for a bit more peace and quiet?

                              Sorry BDC Someone was quoting Huxley's Brave new world and taking it as a pacifist - that comment wasn't aimed at you - The end bit was though I may have mixed up who said it while writing the post or mashed it together and for that I apologize.

