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Greetings from SE USA!

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    Greetings from SE USA!

    Re: Greetings from SE USA!

    Welcome to the forum!

    Dedicated and devoted to Lord Anubis and Lady Bast. A follower of the path of Egyptian Wicca.


      Re: Greetings from SE USA!

      Welcome to Pagan Forums.


        Re: Greetings from SE USA!

        Welcome Nanji! I've never heard of Shenism, looking forward to knowing more!
        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


        I have never been across the way
        Seen the desert and the birds
        You cut your hair short
        Like a shush to an insult
        The world had been yelling
        Since the day you were born
        Revolting with anger
        While it smiled like it was cute
        That everything was shit.

        - J. Wylder


          Re: Greetings from SE USA!

          Welcome to the forum.

          A note on "pagan" is that it's a wide grouping that can broadly be defined as "not belonging to the Abrahamic faiths" though there can be some more nuance there. As one might expect this includes a huge number of faiths with virtually nothing in common! It's certainly useful, theologically anyway, to discuss but, Chinese folk religion will have little ..say kinship, with like Greek or Egyptian reconstruction, however there will be some recurring themes like somewhat animistic leanings and forms of ancestor veneration that crop up repeatedly in different cultures. I'm not sure how popular, for lack of a better word, Chinese religion is in the general neopagan community, but I do hope this place can be of some assistance to you.
          They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
          Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
          -Madeline Miller, Circe


            Re: Greetings from SE USA!

            Thank you for the welcome, everyone!

            Corvus, that is very interesting and useful to know! I appreciate you setting the time aside to write that.

            I'm also unsure of how 'popular' Shenism/Chinese folk religion (CFR) is in neopaganism, but it seems to me that there is a discrepancy between those considered practitioners of CFR/Shenism and those that actually practice it. According to an article I read, more than 50% of China is considered affiliated with CFR but none of them actually seem to believe in the old gods, if any, and animism. Most of their beliefs extend to ancestral veneration and/or yin yang, among other beliefs surrounding the spirit(s). I see this in my parents as well. In fact, when I asked them, only my father knew about the Jade Emperor, and neither of them knew about Jingwei or Mazu. They also weren't sure if any modern Chinese worshipped these gods, although I'm sure some do.

            Of course, there are many variations upon CFR, so that may also be why there's a such a difference. But I'm just rambling. I like to think about this sort of thing. In the end, even though it's interesting, it doesn't really matter, haha.

            Have a great day/night, people.


              Re: Greetings from SE USA!

              Hello and welcome to PF!

              i don't think you'll find any fellow followers of CFR here, but you'll find plenty of cheerleaders for your personal explorations of this path! PF, by its very nature, is an interfaith forum, so you are welcome, regardless.
              Last edited by thalassa; 11 Jun 2019, 05:04.
              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                Re: Greetings from SE USA!

                Thank you so much Thalassa!

