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Advice is nice

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    Advice is nice

    I am here to look for a bit of enlightenment or pointing in the right direction if possible. I have always been interested in the spiritual side of things and looking back on my life so far, I have had a number of experiences which are quite difficult to explain to the modern day individual of rationale and logic. I haven't really tried to explain these experiences in depth to anyone, but at the same time I've never really felt this to be a negative thing and more something to be treasured as my own personal experience and discovery of truth.

    The main aspect that I am hoping to get some advice/explanation on, has been gnawing away at the periphery of my conscious/subconscious for the past while. It relates to two specific experiences which I had namely in relation to two people, both females, who I met on two different internet music forums back in the early 2000's. I have never met these ladies in person to this day, and for what it's worth (if anything) I am a male. The story is as follows:

    The first lady, who I spoke to on MSN Messenger (blast from the past!) every other night, claimed to be a white witch. I didn't (and still don't) know a lot about white witches, but she assured me that this was a good thing. She was from New York, I lived in France at the time. As we got to know each other, I felt this sort of connection with her- it's hard to explain and it was unspoken between us. It was almost like experiencing a feeling of elevated energy, like we were far apart but there was this kind of telepathic radiance which was constantly between us.This relationship did, for whatever reason, start to peter out and we only sporadically spoke after a while.

    Then when I moved back to Scotland less than a year later, I spoke to another lady on a different music forum from South America- I shall call her Lady 2. Lady 2 came across as a real believer in love, and was very mystical. I don't know what her specific beliefs were, or if she had any. She told me things like we were siamese twins in a past life and although that would probably sound absurd to most people, I accepted this with an opened mind. During this time I felt a similar connection with her as to Lady 1, maybe even stronger a bond in some ways, but at the same time I didn't really feel I had the capacity to understand what our relationship meant or was about at all- probably down to my lack of depth in understanding to her level. During this time, I also had some vivid dreams- for example I dreamt of sitting around an ancient, glowing tree with golden leaves. There were some people sat around with me (one of these was a random person who I had met once or twice who lived above me in the student halls where I was staying, who spoke to me about astral travel, another was a female with her face blurred out). I told of this dream to Lady 2 and she explained to me that it was the tree of life.

    Anyway to get to the most interesting part of the story for me... One day I was quite annoyed and was playing the guitar in my room, and all of a sudden I thought something very negative/dark directed towards Lady 2. I don't know how to explain the nature of the thought, but it shot out of my head like a bolt of lightning. I do remember wondering at the time whether she had picked up this thought. Very shortly after I read an email from her saying something along the lines of 'I don't know what game you are playing, but you had better not contact me again'. I did manage to speak to her over email a couple of more times but she told me in no uncertain terms not to contact her again until I had sorted myself out (I was a bit of a mess at the time).

    So somewhat naturally after this instance I gravitated towards Lady 1 again and I spoke to her on MSN and explained what happened with Lady 2. She gave me a bit of advice and then asked me to sit back in my chair and relax which I did. I then felt what is best described as a compression in my head, as if my brain was being squeezed... and then she started telling me all these things about my current life (past and present) - things which she absolutely could not know as I had not told her. She then asked me to visualise and tell her what clothes she was wearing- I had absolutely no idea, got no vision whatsoever and took a stab in the dark and said something black
    I was wrong of course...

    So anyway, in relation to the above I have not heard from either Lady 1 or Lady 2 in over 15 years- I tried to email them a few years ago and got no response. This does not worry me at all, but recently these experiences have been gnawing away at me a bit... questions like what does this mean, why me, how many people have these experiences and things like that. I don't consider myself to be gifted like the two ladies in question, but I am extremely intuitive and can very quickly understand the depths of a person and make them feel at ease with who they are. I don't know if, quite simply, this is the reason why I had these experiences, or whether there is something more to it. They have certainly opened my mind to the infinite realm of possibility, so perhaps in this sense, the experiences have served their purpose? At the same time, the spirit of enquiry, especially recently, has made me want to understand how people are able to cultivate these powers and I would really like to speak to someone who could provide me with answers in this light. Any help/pointers/suggestions would be much appreciated!
    Last edited by Lotus; 02 Oct 2020, 14:27.

    Re: Advice is nice

    Lets look at this in parts if you will.

    The term White Witch was something that used to be used to describe so called "Good Witches". Not used to much today but back in the day you'd have people who classified witches as "Black Witches", "Grey / Gray Witches" and "White Witches". Basically White Witches used their magic to help people, Grey / Gray witches used their magic for good or bad as the need arose and of course black witches used their magic for "Evil" or what was seen as "Bad" purposes. Truth be told though each was always viewed from your own personal perspective and ethical vantage of observation. Many at the time viewed it as White was for others, Black was against others and Grey / Gray was for your own self.

    I say not used to much today because most today say magic has no color it is intent / purpose of the caster. As such we utilize each "Intent" and realistically none of us truly fall into one category completely.

    Regarding a connection that is harder to explain.

    For some of us we infuse part of our energy within our very written word. It doesn't matter whether it be a physical pen and letter version or a cyber page. The energy is sufficient enough that others reading our words can "receive" impressions about us from those words. Depending upon the amount of emotion and energy we put into the writing we can reveal quite a bit. Then depending upon the readers ability to "receive" they can open their 3rd eye or psychic sense and form images or impressions about the writer. Some people can go to the extent they sort of project if they focus hard enough upon the writer and the connection they form via the writers energy.

    How they connect, well that honestly depends upon the reader and their own abilities. Some will simply close their eyes and allow images to appear in their minds eye. The images maybe fragmented or they might be like viewing a movie upon a projector screen. It all depends upon the individual and how they open themselves and allow it to happen. Some will get a sense of words or phrases about the person as they read the words that were written. Again, it all depends upon the person and how they connect to the writer. It also depends often upon how much material from the writer they are reading.

    To be honest those used to be common games that were played in some groups back in the day, even on on-line forums. It was a game as part of remote viewing or attempting to do so or astral / etheral projecting. Unfortunately confirmation bias was often an issue IMHO. Some people were real good at it, others, well not so good but people often gave confirming results even when they were wrong just to make the guesser feel good.

    You also had cold-readers who could "pick" things out and appear to read but were actually questioning to get answers but not be in your face about it. Made your head swell at times as they worked you over covertly yet charged you up and touched on so many things. I know, did it myself to a few people on occasion just to show how easy it could be done while showing how you'd not recognize it was being done. Not to say that was what was being done to you just an example of things that can be done.

    Why you had them or how to cultivate them that's harder to answer. There are many pathways that utilize the ability to be intuitive, empathize, sympathize, project & visualize, etc. Yet each one utilize them differently and seeks results from those employments for different purposes. Some use them to heal, some to advise, some to control, some to see possibilities, some to invoke / evoke, some to cast spells that or combinations of those.

    Each pathway often has their own methodology of teaching or learning how to do things. Many times one no better or worse than another yet the trappings and workings serving to set the timing and mental processes / structure. For many of us we can recognize the similarities and cross between system that are similar or speak about things. Yet still recognize that there are many things foreign to us as they are outside of our particular practices.
    I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


      Re: Advice is nice

      Hello! Thankyou for your reply. Your explanation of the witch colour scales makes a lot of sense, especially with regards to those involved and their interpretation of good and evil, light and darkness or however you want to categorise it. I imagine in the case of practitioners and receivers whoever they may be, abilities and intentions would depend on their own egos to an extent and how this enhances/taints their view.

      I would also agree that a person's energy is infused in the words that they write. So many books that I have read by certain authors have inspired a depth of feeling, opening avenues to possibilities which seem to get forgotten about underneath the dust of everyday routine. Again for me personally, it is more about feeling and intuition rather than imagery- I would love to be able to self-invoke images in my mind but I am not someone who is able to do this- maybe I am lazy 😄.

      I am absolutely sure that confirmation bias is very much a thing which clever tricksters can use to make people believe they have had some a mystical experience, when the reality is that they are just good at what they do. In my case, this could be true as well of course, as a good observer can play on a person's blind-sided self-ignorance with an eagle-eyed sense of perception.

      However, what Lady 2 told me, both about the present situation, and my past- it wasn't pleasant, it didn't make me feel positive, and one particular thing she said was not something that she could have known about me because it was an extremely peculiar characteristic which she could not have picked up on no matter how many online chats we had. She was truthful and to the point about the darker side of my mind as well, I felt really naked when she was telling me things. I wish I'd asked her more about how she'd done all that but I wanted to come across as being aloof and unperturbed.

      For me I like taking advice and knowledge from different people and respect belief systems and learn a lot from and value people who think differently from the general school of thought: I value people who swim up rivers. Maybe this is my path in life, to take things from here and there as I have never been fully immersed in one particular belief system although some obviously etch deeper than others.


        Re: Advice is nice

        Part of the issue here is your dealing with retrospect and memory. Memory always fogs over and clarity changes in how we recall things. In part simply because of how we store things in our memory.

        You don't directly state how you were in contact with each of these women but do state it was by MSN messenger at some point. Yet do not indicate if there was any actual voice to voice communications. But it appears there never was any sort of face to face exchanges between you. So on the surface it seems it was all non-verbal with no supporting body language or gestures of any sort.

        To be honest the worst sort of exchange as words have multiple meanings and inflexions. That doesn't even touch upon any translation issues that might arise due to language issues. Figure its difficult enough when people speak on forums or chat boards and you can't convey "intentions" or "Implied" meanings behind your usage or selection of words.

        As I implied above you can have really good readers or bad readers. It's like I'm a horrible reader if I try to use tarot cards or scrye for the person i'm dealing with. Yet when I use the 3rd eye and open myself I tend to be a really good reader / psychic. As a medium i've been pretty good as well. Yet one of my friends is an exceptional tarot reader but sucks using her 3rd eye and simply fails as a medium. But each of us is selective of who we will work with and "read" for.

        I can't and won't speak for other readers but I know for myself if I open up and connect for someone then I can find them again with relative ease. If I've read for them often enough I find that when they think about me I find I start thinking about them. Even to the point where I will call them or get a call from them within a day or two. Which is another reason I am very strict on just who I get that deep with doing readings for.

        But I will add that when you get that deep you also find out things about people. Remember, memories are stored by association. Because of that images come forth by association. You might see a room where something bad happened such as a fight but that same room might hold some emotional event such as a sexual encounter that was important. Yes had that one happen with a young girl I did a wedding ring reading (psychometry) for.

        You ran into one of the major issues in paganism in my opinion. You got a reading and the person gave you what you asked for and didn't sugar coat it. Unfortunately, IMHO far to many only give people "Good" or "Positive" results to avoid offending or hurting them, even if it means lying to them. You see it in reading results and you see it in post replies as well. Even to the point of not asking questions that will result in difficult answers.

        That's where confirmation bias also comes in. The so called "I asked about if something is going to happen and I saw a black cat so that means I'm going to have bad luck right?" The reader says "Yes" I see you having bad luck in your future. Oh God it's confirmed. You just forgot to tell the reader your neighbor has a black cat and you see it everyday. Only thing is today you were actually looking for something to confirm your need to believe you'd be having bad luck and you focus in on the black cat. Thing is today we like to call it synchronicity basically.

        But we don't invoke / evoke those images. They just sort of take shape in our minds and play across our minds eye. Sometimes they can be in color other times they are more like negatives that are like grey scale images. You sort of see them yet they are shadow images behind your eyes. When I refer to Invoking / Evoking I am referring to Invoking something into our bodies or evoking something to appear before us. It might be a god / goddess form, a daemon, a demonic entity, an angelic entity, an ancestor, a spirit, elemental, or some other being / entity. Disclaimer: Not all pathways do this

        I will add though that when you said Lady 2 suddenly told you not to contact her anymore that is also a method of cutting the bonds when the charade is about blown. Not saying that is what happened just saying it is a method that was employed at times and to be aware of it.

        Your final paragraph speaks of someone who is trying to put together an eclectic pathway. A lot of pagan paths are actually eclectic in nature as designed by the individual practitioners who've designed them. Even when they claim established titles such as "Wiccan" the actual composition is actually eclectic in the way the individual is actually walking them. Is it good or bad? Well that to be honest will vary depending upon who you ask.
        I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


          Re: Advice is nice

          I don't think my memory is too cloudy in this sense, I'm a cancerian I can still remember as clear as day with Lady 2, the thought and wondering if she'd somehow read it. Then literally an hour later I checked and she'd sent me an email within the hour of that happening. I don't think she was worried that her cover was blown, she came across as being a very humble person. She didn't seem keen on trying to prove anything to me or wanting to deceive me in any way. I did not speak with her ever on the phone, however I did see pictures of her and have seen pictures of her since as she was in the UK papers for something. She was also known to people who frequented the message board and knew the band, who were a very well known UK band back in the day.

          With lady 1, we started off speaking on the website but we did chat a lot on the phone as well and had a good laugh. The thing is with me, I didn't have any sort of positivity to sustain any kind of deep and meaningful relationship with anyone at that time- I was very lost in self-obsession, self destructiveness and was highly troubled. But not troubled in a way that was looking for answers in the wrong places and I like to think at least that I have the intuition and pessimism to not be duped by someone cold reading. But alas, maybe that is my weakness But yes absolutely, meet someone in person and my brain goes in to overdrive, in a natural way, analysing things so right away it's so much easier to spot a truthful and a not so truthful person in any walk of life.

          So when you say you can open your 3rd eye to do a reading, is this something that you believe anybody can learn to do, or do you think that people need to have a natural 'gift' for this? And yes, if you are able to get deep with a person in that sense, then I imagine you have to have a certain groundedness about you because if you are able to see a lot of a person, I would hope that most people who are able to do this would be strong enough not to judge that person or potentially become affected by what you can see. Otherwise that 'gift' would be enough to send a person crazy! I imagine as well, that an adept would be able to hide aspects of their personality from a reader?

          Yes me personally, I don't want self- gratification, I am extremely sceptical of people giving me praise and I don't appreciate that. I appreciate the truth and so Lady 1, she knew me enough to know I wouldn't be too perturbed if she told me what she knew. I like it when truth hurts in a sense, because that is a good drive to learn and improve.

          I guess an eclectic pathway is good, and it is bad also depending on what you take from it. The thing with me is, I have a spiritual thirst, but it is a journey I have absolutely taken on my own which maybe should be the way? I have never met anyone I know of who has that deep knowledge who could teach me face to face, and that may never happen. So I need to teach myself through books and self awareness and picking up things on the path when they arise.


            Re: Advice is nice

            1st let me say thank you for changing the font color. The pink / light purple was difficult to read.

            You've added a bit of additional info here which changes the boundaries as it were. From my background and understanding it also changes the manner of how you would potentially connect and even "locate" or "lock-in" on the person.

            With Lady 2 you've added the photo of her. Realistically you've also added a network of connections via others to her that you are a part of. Now that network maybe a loose network of forum members or other people you are closer to. Yet they are people you have energetic connections to in some capacity. YOur actual relationship to them I do not know but it is there none the less and strengthens the ties. Then you have the photo itself. That is both a mental picture and an actual physical identification of her. It also gives you an actual object to focus upon and direct your ""Senses" outward and towards.

            From an astral projection perspective that is more than enough to be utilized to send conscious or unconscious energy at her. From a remote viewing aspect and utilizing the 3rd eye idea its a base component of connecting to someone and "looking" in on them remotely. Again it can be consciously done or unconsciously done. That places it in the "Astral Realm". There is also the older idea of the "Etheral Realm" that is part of the mundane realm that would have been expressed in the 1990's time frame. At that time we used to try and "Touch" people or those we worked with used to say they though they saw us as "ghosts" Sometimes you'd be backlighted or be framed in light. Sounds hokey today to many people and not to many people I know were able to pull it off. That's the appearing part, more than a few were able to do the "Touch" part or have the person know we were there. Personally I think it also crossed into the idea of Out of Body Experiences (O.B.E.) or perhaps Near Death Experiences (N.D.E.) for the etheral realm stuff.

            But either way with a picture of her and a network connecting you to her its quite possible that you could have been focusing upon her and did project to her in some capacity. If she had any skills and experience she might have taken that as an intrusion and though "What are you pulling here?" From an OBE perspective its not that uncommon for people to experience them. Normally people who have sensations of falling as they are dreaming or slipping off into sleep experience them. Usually what stops them from going into the OBE experience is they either tense up or jerk up as they start to "fall" which stops the process. But they may not remember it or think of it as an unusual dream or even a nightmare.

            Lady 1 you have the actual phone communications as well as the written. There is also a deeper connection due to a sense of revelation and I'd say trust and opening of yourself. The so called revealing of the soul as it were. Its a two way line of communications so even if one side is shut down the other side still remains in place. It's sort of like a party line, one side might get hung up but the line is still open until both sides hang up. It's part of the threads issues that connect the two parties together.

            Just my experience but people like to think they've severed the ties but no one ever truly severes all the association ties. Neither the sender nor the receiver ever cut every connection that joined them, their sitting there just waiting to be activated again if you happen to discover the right associations. That's why it's a b*tch to truly stop a dedicated attack against someone set on harming you if they know enough about you.

            From a shamanic perspective that's one of the reason's when we decide to help someone we can't judge them. We never know what we'll find when we start pulling the pieces together. But I suppose that's also why we use our guides and allies so much before we do things as well. I've been guided to help and other times been told don't touch them. yet also told to keep everything in confidence or discuss in generalities when I do talk about it.

            Abilities .... that's harder to answer because I think we all have abilities but were not all going to have them to the same degree or be able to use them to the same level no matter how hard we try. Yes you can develop them but it will be like playing an instrument. Some will pick the instrument up and they will always sound mechanical when they play, others will always be fumble fingers at best and sound horrible, some will be gifted beyond belief and some will pick it up then put it down in disgust. But each had the opportunity, each had a degree of ability, but it doesn't mean each had a calling to it.

            A bit of personal history here. You talk about being driven insane, I have in the past prayed for certain gifts to be ended because I wanted to no longer see or hear certain things that went with them. My wife hated when I woke up in the middle of the night screaming from visions I could do nothing about yet covered in sweat from watching it unfold. Knowing it would come to pass and people would die, and trying to do something only meant it would change the time and place. Unfortunately, I discovered the only way to make things change is to do as the spirit world asks and walk the path that was chosen from the moment I died in my youth and was brought back. Wander to far from it and your gifts can turn into a mental crusher. Or as some of my close friends like to say "Why would anyone want to walk the pathway we've walked!" it means being in a room full of people were some of them are alive
            I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


              Re: Advice is nice

              I will add I'd wish other forum member's would participate in this thread to give you some alternate opinions though. We have some very experienced member's here with multiple backgrounds that I think could be very beneficial to the discussion.
              I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                Re: Advice is nice

                No worries about the font- technical issues on my part getting used to the preview function on the forum!

                It does make a lot of sense what you say in relation to having the connection to the picture of lady 2 and remote viewing, plus the additional energies of interconnectedness from the other forum members. And when you say:

                ' If she had any skills and experience she might have taken that as an intrusion and thought "What are you pulling here?"

                This is very well put and does make a lot of sense. Looking back on the situations, I think she was probably less experienced than Lady 1, or Lady 1 was definitely less disturbed by the negative energies. Lady 2 took the negativity to be personal, when I absolutely didn't intend that whereas with Lady 1 it was as if she'd been there done that and my mind was like child's play.

                Just as an aside here because you have mentioned the astral realm and you seem to have experience in this... it is something in my early 20's that I managed to do once consciously in that I had my eyes closed and actually felt myself rise above my body and through the bed sheets and I saw the whole of the room in 360 vision. I then saw what can only be described as jelly like beings floating along together in formation. At this point I panicked and re-entered the body but since that time I have been wondering what they were. Funnily enough I read Bob Monroe's books a few months ago and he talks about something similar, and if memory serves me correctly, he said they were something along the lines of humans being taught in the astral world by beings whilst asleep. I don't know if you can confirm witnessing any such phenomena?

                Again just out of interest, in terms of dedicated attacks... Would you say it can be quite common to have attacks from astral beings? I ask this because I died at birth and my heart stopped, and this had such a profound effect on my growing up, I was very isolated in my fears for as long as I can remember, thinking things which, looking back on it, people don't really think about at all as adults let alone as children... And then this manifested in a highly destructive way as a teenager and beyond that... and it got to the point where I couldn't control the darkness, the thoughts etc. And it got to the point where I was convinced that I was under some kind of possession... but then maybe that was just me wanting to shun responsibility for my life, and maybe the starvation of oxygen at birth caused some kind of obstruction in the brain. And I also should say that at the same time through this darkness, there were a handful of divine/light experiences which have remained with me to this day.

                And what you say about your personal history, it sounds a bit like with great power comes great responsibility. Most people probably can't even dream about having those abilities, let alone being capable of channeling them and not being consumed by them. It makes me think about the Eastern yogic philosophies which talk about the infinite powers an individual can posess, yet these should be shunned from the perspective of ego gratification otherwise they will divert a person away from the true path to Godhead. This is all assumption on my part though, as the experiences you describe are way above my level of understanding so I need to use my imagination a bit here.

                I've got so many questions but I don't want to be rude and take up your time! And thank you for taking time to answer, it is much appreciated.
                Last edited by Lotus; 05 Oct 2020, 14:54.


                  Re: Advice is nice

                  Don't mind answering the question I am qualified to answer or at least able to give an answer to. The rest, well speculation is something we all can do I suppose.

                  Like you I died at a young age, in my case I was about a year old but I died due to a reaction to a drug. Was brought back but it changed the course of whatever my life would have been. Well that or set it into the path I was meant to be placed on. One never really knows for sure. I do know I danced a dance with death multiple times over the years after that where we got close enough to smell each other's breath. It's like a few years later my parents go out and my grandparents decide as they are starting to pull out of the driveway I am not going. They wrecked the car and my car seat was found crushed under the passenger seat. That would be 1961 / 1962 car seat's and they were not made of that much to begin with.

                  The reason I'm telling this is because it basically made me a loner growing up. Because I seemed to be walking in two different worlds all the time. There was the physical reality world about me but there was also the world that no one else was seeing or hearing. Some of my family understood, had one cousin who was born with a full veil over her eyes, I only had a partial veil from what I was told. Old wives tales say those born with a veil have second sight and can see the otherworld. All I know is I've seen some crazy stuff over the years.

                  The jelly like beings floating along can be one of two groups in my experience. They can be the restless dead or they can be the unaware dead. Well actually three groups they can also be the transitioning dead who are moving to the veil along a death road. I've seen the death road echoes, especially in some places in europe where it was common to carry the dead along certain roads to their final burial spots. The ancestral dead still cross those area's and carry people's spirits to the veil over them. The unaware dead are spirits that have expired but not realize they are dead. Personally I've only encountered a small group of these who sort of came together because they "recognized" they were "alive" but no one else see's them. Unfortunately this particular group was at a battlefield. The restless dead are a different sort because they don't rest because they haven't been given proper burial rites or are cursed in some manner. To be honest they can also be sort of nasty because they can be due to being murdered and seeking justice / revenge type thing. Which means you could be going back decades or longer for them.

                  Then in the astral you also have your non-human entities. In some instances perhaps even non-terrestrial. But once you separate from your body due to projection, OBE or even NDE it used to be said you could be subject to one of three things. You could be ridden, driven or possessed. Being ridden pretty much is to invoke something into you by modern usage. It's to have something come into your body and experience what it's like to be human and share your body with another. Yet the operative thing is your aware of its presence and influence / thoughts. To be driven is similar to being ridden but the entity has somewhat taken over your body and is operating it with your consent while your aware of it. Yet you still retain your ultimate control over your person and the entity releases its influence when you reclaim your rights. Possession of course is when your body and will is completely dominated by an outside entity and your identity is basically removed or altered.

                  Where ridden, driven or possessed gets iffy is people usually assume the outside entity is either demonic, angelic or godlike. However, for a number of belief systems that is a fallacy in thinking. The idea of dreamwalkers for instance are people who are able to enter a person via dreams and dominate their minds and command them, in essence possess them. The idea of Ravenmockers is somewhat similar in that they steal a person's lifeforce but also possess them in the process. There is the idea that a person who is deceased but has a strong will to live can have their spirit / soul possess the body of the living, especially when the person's own spirit is out of their body. Just a couple of examples there to consider.

                  However I wouldn't say it's common to have attacks. That's not to say that the more light one casts into the darkness the more things are attracted to the light. Been my experience the more you focus upon something and work with it the more you draw that world to you.

                  I don't know about great power and great responsibilities and sure don't think I have any great powers. Truth be told more often than not think I have more of a pain than a power. To me i've just seen some crazy things, done a few crazy things and hopefully helped a few people along the way. I have a very close friend who always ask why doesn't anyone listen when he speaks to them and why can't he be successful doing this. I think he gets frustrated with me at times because I don't have the same need or drive to be recognized for it as he does. He gets messages or things for people and then wants to find out what they do with it. I get messages or guidance for them and then say my part is done I delivered it and it's now up to them. I tell him he can't hold onto the water after its poured or the wind once it's blown by. But years later he's still asking about what they should have done with what he told them yet for me I don't even remember many of their names as I was just supposed to give them the message and let them decide what they would do with it.

                  Just one other though here. I don't remember my teenage years to much to be honest. I'm 61. But something for consideration. There is a class of entities called poltergeist, ie noisy ghost. One thing about these particular entities is that a large percentage of them are associated with teenagers, especially teenage girls. One of the theories is due to hormonal imbalances and psychic energies being released by them. They cause things like objects moving or being tossed about, rocks, chairs, tables, etc. Another was mechanical issues with electronics going crazy, breaking down, burning up, etc. Just my own thoughts here but I've often wondered if there isn't a similar type influence especially for males were we tend to have it manifest more as a darkness in the same age group. Figure often boys are taught to repress emotions or express them via fighting or violent thoughts / moody behavior. It's the same "energy" and the same results just different manifestations. The fear of being attacked would be within the scope of fighting & violence response.
                  I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                    Re: Advice is nice

                    I can sort of relate to living in 2 different worlds as I was similar, but with a different kind of world to yours perhaps- I was well liked at school but at the same time there was a massive part of me that nobody knew about or even sensed- I kept it very locked away from the rest of the world. There was always an underlying fear and fascination of death, not knowing how to verbalise it and slowly coming to terms with how to deal with it. That has never gone away in a sense.

                    In terms of the multitude of dead on that level of the astral world, I imagine that they could be there, in earthly years, for a very long time? From my human perspective it seems to be very difficult to grasp how, when you die, you wouldn't at some point relatively quickly realise what has occurred and then transcend that level of (un)awareness. But when you die, I guess your consciousness transforms as well...

                    I did have a dream one night about my friend and he was in a ramshackle house, a real gloomy kind of a place like something out of a horror show- it was like some kind of astral crack den where nobody was aware of anything else around them and they were really grey/blue looking. I woke up and thought that it was like the house of the living dead. A few hours into that morning, I learnt that my friend had in fact died that night so I couldn't help but think that this was where he had ended up.

                    It does sound like you have a more level-headed approach to things than your friend! When you say you help people, is it people that you come across in everyday life and get some sort of an inking about, or does it work for you in an entirely different way? Also I see that you have mentioned below your name that you are a shamanic practitioner, are you able to tell me something about what that involves and how it became a part of your life?


                      Re: Advice is nice

                      Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post

                      There is the idea that a person who is deceased but has a strong will to live can have their spirit / soul possess the body of the living, especially when the person's own spirit is out of their body. Just a couple of examples there to consider.
                      I seem to recall reading about people waking from a coma with a story similar to this where they claim to be someone completely different and that the soul which was originally in that body apparently moved on. It was years ago though and I don't remember enough detail to find the story quickly on the web.
                      Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                      Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                      "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                      John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                      "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                      Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                        Re: Advice is nice

                        I read a passage from a book a long time ago that went

                        He who knows says not
                        He who says knows not
                        And it is better so

                        That was pretty much how things were when I was growing up. Things that belonged in families stayed in families, and many times it was further broken down by there were things that were strictly for the boys and things that were strictly for the girls. As a male somethings I'd be introduced to but my sisters would be given more in-depth guidance on, inversely, i'd be given things they would not. Sort of like as a male i'd be blooded with the hunt while my sisters wouldn't but they'd be given more with moon lodge type things. They'd learn more kitchen witch type stuff dealing with cooking but we'd all learn so called granny magics or folk magics of various sorts though it wouldn't specifically be called that.

                        Funny in a way as I have one friend whose grandmother passed but I get stuff from her quite often. We'll be talking and her grandmother will tell me "Your a male, you don't understand!" Usually when I'm trying to convey something she is telling me about a female "mystery" that I can sort of get but its not quite correct. Sometimes it truly is a different language.

                        For me walking in two worlds wasn't just about death, but I had no fear of death nor really an interest in it. It's like I had memories of a time before I was born. Some of those memories I was able to verify as being my mother's prior to my birth and some I suspect were my grandmothers prior to my mothers birth. Yet I also had memories of dying in one life only to be born into this one. Other memories that were like dreams of past lives that for some I could verify when they are set (WWII) but never could understand how I could be at least 2 different people and die as both of them. I could even identify the type of platform I was on, a B-17 and what I believe to be an S class submarine. That would be the "Normal" stuff. But still nothing you talk to anyone about.

                        The paranormal or occult stuff you definitely don't talk to anyone about much less mention it to the average person. That's the crap that gets you looked at like your crazy or worse. How do you describe to someone looking out a window and watching a man rise up from the ground and look into your window then levitate upwards over your window. Then turn around and come back down head first. That or see a ghost in full Scottish armour (perhaps Celtic) stand in the shadows of your room then scream a battle cry and run at you. Only then do you realize there is another behind you who passses through you, turns and you clearly hear him tell you to go back to sleep as he is there to protect you and will not fail you again. All that even as you try to back through the wall as the cold surrounds you as the one figure passes through you as he rushes to engage the advancing figure. The last thing you hear is the clashing of swords and see the sparks from metal on metal. I've watched a wagon train pass through an old wagon trail in the mountains until all that was left was the sound upon the wind of creaking wheels and hoofs on the ground as the cattle pull the wagons. Things that were funny and things that scared the hell out of me to be honest.

                        Heck when I was stationed in Scotland walked into my barracks room one day to see a coffin sitting on my bed. Walked up and looked inside of it to see my grandfather laying inside of it. Freaked me out and one of my married friends made me come over to his house for the day. Next day got the Red Cross message that my grandfather had died. The death didn't bother me, it was seeing the coffin on my bed that freaked me out. Was a heck of a kiss of passing.

                        It's been my experience that the unaware dead are those who've died quickly. Usually so fast they don't realize they actually died. For instance in an automobile accident, during war time, some other type of accident where they are taken quickly. Sometimes it can be those who've been left with unfinished business where the task that remains motivates them and propels them. Their not restless dead though because its not revenge or justice that is driving them but protection of their families or need to complete a job or task.

                        Those I help can originate from any number of places. Some I meet in real life, some I will be introduced to by someone else, some will simply be from a thread on a forum I feel drawn to respond to. In some instances it's been a series of "Visions" and "Dreams" where I am shown things and asked to prepare certain things because something or someone is coming. I've been put in that position a couple of times and then the death smell shows up and I've become a spirit keeper and had to help a spirit cross. I recall one year right around Christmas I received a full ritual via visions that would go for an entire week. Shortly before it was due to start I started to smell rotting meat everywhere and started to find dead animals all over the place and everywhere in the woods. Saw more than a few animal spirits in the woods during that time frame. Performed the ceremony /ritual and the smell and all disappeared afterwards.

                        First let me say that to me being a Shamanic Practitioner is a way of life it is not a spiritual practice. The Spiritual Practice side of my beliefs is more Green / Hedge witchcraft with a Hellenistic influence. That distinction is important to understand as it influences both my worldview and how I see and relate to things.

                        How it became part of my life. Well in the belief systems I know and many Native American systems it says "Spirit" tests many initially by either death or sickness. People said I was first tested when I both got sick and died. Then over the years there where other signs that were exhibited. That and the "punishments" for refusing to accept what was being pushed at me. There was the test and dismemberments during visions and dreams. That's a process where guides and animals sort of tear you apart and put you back together again. Wolf was mine which also included me being attacked in real life by dogs and having some serious injuries due to that. Got hit in dream time by a wolf in the back of the knee then a real dog got me there the next day, stuff like that. Then you have the teachers that come into your life for ever how long they are needed then move on. One thing I do refuse though is to call myself a Shaman as I have no nation I serve or am part of so I just say I am a shamanic like practitioner. I have many traits that i've picked up from living in different parts of the world and different people teaching me or spirits guiding me.

                        One thing I'd add though is that many are identified, a lot are tested, few are selected, even fewer are trained by Spirit. Of all those I've known over my 61 years of life everyone of us has said we'd sooner give it up. Nearly everyone of us have been loners. Nearly every one of us have lived with the feeling of being alone even when we are in a room full of people, for no one fully knows us. A majority of us have thought that those who've sought out the path of a shamanic practitioner have no idea what it means to be a shamanic practitioner or what it really means. Far to many have read what the latest book says about plastic healing means and that is what they think shamanism is, that or shamanic witchcraft.

                        Spiritual wise I am bound to the Hellene divinities Hekate, Artemis, Poseidon, Roman divinity Diana, Kemetic (Egyptian) divinities Sekor, Bastet, Pakhet, Mafdet and one that I simply call The Huntsman. If your familiar with history you'll notice that Artemis, Diana, Bastet & Pahket have all been conflated with each other so it gets difficult and interesting trying to separate their respective histories. Bastet, Pahket and Mafdet are also conflated with each other within Kemetic history so they to become difficult to separate and identify at times. Hekate, Artemis and Diana are also equally conflated with each other historically so again they become difficult to distinguish from each other across time. The one I call the Huntsman I have no specific identify for as he has aspects which would identify him as Poseidon in his earthshaker persona, Herne the Hunter, Hermes, Cernunos and even Apollo in some imagery.

                        That said I do not honor them or worship them in the Wiccan concept nor utilize that particular methodology or observances. I use more of a Hellene method of libations and offerings. I tend to make celestial offerings on a raised bed and chthonic offerings in the earth by burning. Calendar wise I use my own or one dates that align with dates that appeal to the specific deity. I make offerings and libations to my ancestors and to the local genoi / land spirits.

                        As a shamanic practitioner I see the world in the aspect that the are spirits of place, some being greater and some being lessor in nature. That there are daemons of nature, there are elementals, there are demons and angelic beings. The world is basically animastic and all things have a spirit. By touching those spirits as allies ie plant allies for instance you can call upon the healing power of the plant to aid you. There is basically three realms, celestial (upper), chthonic (lower) and mundane (Physical) basically. You can cross into all three via journey work. All three worlds exists not only within our bodies but also exist outside of our bodies. Soul retrieval often takes places within the confines of the internal though it can be located on anyone of the levels within.
                        I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                          Re: Advice is nice

                          From what you are saying, even the 'normal' stuff you describe, if you spoke about that with most people they would probably avoid you or, as a teenager, make fun of and torment you. Then if you remain quiet about it, again that can draw unwanted attention in situations and make a person stand out as a target. If you mentioned the paranormal experiences to the average person, or even someone more open minded than the average person, they would probably gently point you in the direction of a doctor and suggest you start seeking help. And from that sense I imagine it would be a challenging thing to be a shamanic practitioner or to partake in similar practices for a multitude of reasons.

                          When you describe seeing these things which you mentioned in the paranormal, is it the astral world momentarily manifesting in the physical? For example, if I or somebody else was with you at that moment, is it something I would see as well or would I be none the wiser?

                          Personally I have much more of a background knowledge in Indian religion/spirituality/ or however you want to categorise it. There seem to be similarities between certain sects of hinduism and what you touched upon with shamanic practices in that there is that sense of isolation. Many people who have truly mastered the ultimate goal in hinduism believe that the spiritual path is something that entails renouncing the world and attachments to it as much as possible if not completely. As with paganism there is such a diversity in Indian spiritual thought, including many left hand approaches, regarding how to reach the ultimate goal which is God realisation through one of an infinite number of forms/practices. I am just wondering whether there would be a similar ultimate goal in shamanic practices, or what the very core values of that teaching are (if any)?

                          I am not too familiar with the complex history of Egyptian deities, and so only have limited knowledge. Lady 1 when I spoke to her, she told me that her deity (or one of them) was Seshat. Again this is a deity which I am completely unfamiliar with. The main Egyptian religious symbol I know about is probably the most prevalent one in popular culture- The Eye of Horus, and to be honest this is confusing enough for me as there are so many conflicting discussions around it. I guess as you had mentioned about plastic healing, there also seems to be endless plastic opinions and theories around The Eye of Horus and Egyptology as a whole, so it is difficult to know where to even begin with it.

                          In terms of healing powers of plants, is it possible to feel or be aware of the healing elements of plants, and benefit from them without ingesting them? I just ask because I bought a few cacti in March/April time and also started growing some from seed. A few times I have dreamt of aspects of them and feel a kind of connection to them, particularly when I am falling asleep and I don't know if this is simply something built up in my imagination or whether there is more to it.

                          Again, thankyou for your time it is much appreciated.


                            Re: Advice is nice

                            I'll be bouncing around a bit in answering this one, so please bear with me.

                            When it comes to plants or the green people it really varies with each plant. Some require you to ingest them to connect. For others all it takes is absorbing them through the skin or in-hailing them. For some it can work through a combination of actions. Take mint for example, you can ingest it via say a drink, you can absorb it through the skin or even inhail it through your lungs by smelling it. Others you can inhail by burning it like an incense, a smudge or even by open flame. Some plants you can meet through dream time or vision questing. Some plants are part of a hive or collective root system and form a colony as well as an individual system.

                            Plants can have benefits but they can also inflict harm if they desire. Two stories you decide what happened.

                            The first happened on a winter day next to a river. The river was mostly frozen with patches of snow on the ground and the air pretty cold but not below freezing. I had been walking along the river and around the lake when I stopped beneath a young willow. just sort of started talking to it and mentioned how it would only be a month or two more until the warmth of spring would be returning. Everything was still, no sounds, no air movement only the crunch of my shoes on the frozen ground. Suddenly the fronds of the tree wrapped around me and tightened and I got all warm and the tree seemed to shake for just a few seconds. Not sure how long it lasted before the fronds dropped away and went back to hang limply in the cold air. The color and heat fading away from the fronds and the tree its self.

                            The second takes place on the property behind our house. We were clear cutting the area for some fields. I had talked to the spirits of place and made some offerings and such. Those doing the cutting were myself, my son and two of his friends. To be honest I didn't really feel right about it but it had to be done but the whole time I felt like we but especially me was being watched from the woods. Well we came to this younger oak and just as I was standing there one of the branches seemed to bend and rack me across the eyes. Knocked me off my feet as well. Actually scratched my eyes a bit. Where the branch was the tree had to bend to hit me with it. My son swore that it was my punishment for actually cutting the trees and that I was only supposed to observe while they did the actual work. I didn't touch another tree nor make any cuts after that. There were no more incidents either. I just made sure they respected the forest and said thanks.

                            Has situations where the forest and / or plants will say 100 times it's ok to go a certain way then one day say no you can't go that way today. Sometimes out and out block your way. Other times it's a sensation that will make you ill when you approach the way or place, a smell that suddenly fills the air, or a sudden silence that weights upon you like a heavy pressure. The smell so foul is reeks, or so sweet is make you sick because it is so sweet.

                            With the paranormal it depends. It's like with ghost there are so many different situations that apply. With the wagon train others have seen or seen and heard it. Most think it's simply an echo that is recorded upon the place and it simply plays at certain times. Similar to how people see repeat battles at various battlefields. The echo plays over and over at certain times and is on a constant loop. Yet even with the echos on rare occasions people have recorded being able to interact with people within the echo. I recall one story of a civil war battlefield where a person encountered a Southern soldier who gave them a rifle as he lay dying and told the person to continue the fight. They thought he was a reenactor but no one was ever found that matched the person. Did it happen? Honestly don't know. But it matches other similar type stories i've heard of.

                            The thing is it always seems it is ok when your talking about someone else seeing it or hearing about others having it happen to them. Yet when it becomes "You" that it happens to then they look at you crazy like. That or worse then it becomes a situation of One-up man ship. The person who always had something worse or something scarier happen to them. Sad but it always seemed to be two sides to the same coin. One seemed to think you crazy the other always trying to best you. Either way you just kept your mouth shut most times. A lot of times you could call them on it and prove them wrong but it really wasn't worth it and you didn't want the attention anyways.

                            I don't think it was the astral intruding into the physical for most of the things though. In most instances I believe it's more a matter of things being slightly out of alignment with the physical. Like its just ahead or just behind what or physical reality is. Until the dead cross the veil they are part of this physical reality they are just slightly out of alignment with us, basically negative to our positive. It's like when you look at something out of the corner of your eyes, it's there but not quite in alignment with your vision. Looking straight on you don't see it, but looking sideways you see it but not clearly. You can't get a clear image but there is enough image to suggest what is there. Never the less you still try to turn slow enough to bring it into focus and catch the full image.

                            Then you have the dead who are not echoes but are surviving energy. Why they survive could be due to any number of reasons. Spirits who are seeking justice and / or revenge (revenant). Spirits who are trapped by fear or domination even though their physical body is dead. Spirits who do not realize they have actually died. Spirits who refuse to die and crossover and seek to find a way to live again. Each of these "groups" are identified by different names in different countries / areas. That doesn't even touch upon the spirits who are sort of disembodied projections of the person who appear when the person dies to the relatives / friends of the deceased. They might be one time visitation spectre's or apparitions of the person and appear life like perhaps even interact with people at the time of death. That also doesn't touch up the older idea of sacrificial spirits that would be found "haunting" cities, buildings, sacred sites, etc. Basically a victim, many times a young woman, was sacrificed to become a guardian over a designated area.

                            As to whether anyone, everyone or just particular people can or will sense them that is another issue. I've been in places and have seen or sensed things and no one else has. However, I've also been in places where a number of people have seen, sensed or felt things. It all depends. The thing is will people say anything. If your observant you probably can see more people "feel" or "sense" things than will ever be said or indicated. It's like you'll see people suddenly start looking around or start to say something then just stop. That or just step away from some place like something touched them or they suddenly got a shiver / chill. That or you'll see them start to stare into someplace and they can't break their eyes away from it for a moment and might even step away or their breathing quicken and step towards someone near them. But others will pass by completely oblivious to everything going on around them. Many times its only when one person says anything that others will speak up.
                            I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                              Re: Advice is nice

                              Yes I remember my friend once told me about how mushrooms almost act intrinsically as one in a system, it is quite amazing to think that. I am sure there must be many more organic systems like that as well. It sounded from what my friend was saying- that systems of mushrooms almost form psychically together, and across a vast distance as well? Working as one like a beehive almost.

                              Why would a plant want to inflict harm on a person... would it simply be the way in which two organisms interact with one another, like two differing personalities- some are a positive relationship while others are negative? And from what you are saying, this material realm also has a connection to the other realms... So does every action something has in this world, have a ripple effect to some degree into the upper and lower realms of the non-material?

                              With the oak story, you had spoken to the spirits and made offerings... and it seems that they were unhappy that you had worked too and you were only supposed to oversee. So the spirits didn't like the actions you were taking personally to clear a field and so they let you know about it? Precisely why that was, I can only think that they maybe didn't appreciate being chopped down? I don't know if that sounds quite right...

                              The willow it invokes more the loving feeling of the spirit, with a real tenderness and warmth, like the divine and the enchanting comfort of mother showing you that, no matter where you look, life is all embracing and mystical; giving and pure.

                              When you say the dead cross the veil... where do they cross to? And I imagine that it is also possible for a living person to consciously cross this veil as well if they have the know how, to penetrate into the upper and lower realms, and there also must be more than one way to do this (probably a vast multitude), and some people would tend to be focused more on one realm than the other?

                              You know what, one thing I notice reading your words, is how unaware most people are of everything around them, me included. That we get vacuumed in to the mundane world day after day, unthinking of our contact to nature. Just as you describe, it is like people almost grasp what is there but at the same time it's always slightly beyond the slightest brush of the fingertips.

