So waiting with baited breath for the episode i have been looking around for scraps of information all around the internet on "the day of the doctor" but everything i have found has been missing certain bit of in formation or is out dated and some on.

So what (i think) i know for sure about the episode.

It WILL! show us finally the time war or at the very least is centered around it how do i know this, well from an official BBC trailer

"There was a war between my people and the Daleks. It burnt the skin of eternity. Ancient Beautiful cultures were caught in our crossfire and sent screaming ...

Now its said all over that christopher eccleston has refused to take part in the 50th annervirsary yet he appears named in this trailer, (whice also says we gunna be seeing the time war)

So maybe this was a trailer from before he said no.

Ok so point two doctor hurt, there are multiple theories on this about him being a new future doctor well thats bollocks how do i know that simple. the doctor recognises him. he is he doctor's secret that means he has to have been from the doctor's past for him to keep it secret. also doctor hurt use's the past tense "what i did, i did with no choice..."

*** SPOILER ALERT. Read below ***Re-watch the shocking final moments of the DOCTOR WHO Season Finale "The Name of The Doctor" - and start your countdown to t...

so what about the theory that he is doctor 0 from before the doctor chose the name the doctor? also rubbish. the 11th says

" real name, that is not the point. The name i chose is the doctor. The name you (meaning the name a time lord choose's) choose, its like a promise you make. He's the one that broke the promise!"

So this tell's us that doctor hurt already had the name the doctor at the time that he did what ever he did. but what did he do?

" real name, that is not the point. The name i chose is the doctor. The name you (meaning the name a time lord choose's) choose, its like a promise you make. He's the one that broke the promise!"

"He is my secret."

"what i did i did without choice!"

"i know"

"In the name of peace and sanity"

"But not in the name of the doctor!"

So the name a time lord pick's is like a promise and the doctor means.

Watch in HD!I just loved River's speech at the end of A Good Man Goes To War so much, it was brilliant and that whole scene was just so perfect and emotional...

So here is the rub, the doctor mean healer and wise man. so that was the doctor's promise to be a healer and a wise man. so doctor hurt broke that promise. he was someone the doctor was ashamed of.

which leads me back to the time war. why because there are multiple time in wars where good people do things that are horrific because they have no choice and because it is the only way for peace and sanity (the hiroshima bomb for example)

so the other things we have are all super- ficial, rose and the 10th are going to be there and the daleks and zygons and so on but these are all just for the special. what we need to know about the plot well thats the above bits and it can all be gleamed from the last season of nu who