I'm always reading things about bettering the environment, taking care of the homeless, things like that. Most suggestions about 'what can I do to help?' involve either money or volunteering. So I'm starting this blog as a suggestion-box of sorts. Ideas of things one person can do, easily and painlessly. Charity doesn't always mean giving something up, and environmentalism doesn't always take money.

#1 - Clean Drinking Water for the Homeless

I've got two major problems with volunteering and donating to causes. I'm broke and... I'm not a people person. The thought of working all day in a food kitchen is not appealing to me at all. I've never had a job in the food service industry, I've never wanted one, and most nights it's a struggle to cook dinner for myself, my husband & the dog, let alone busting my ass to feed the huddled masses.

So, what can I, as one person do? Something that doesn't involve me donating fundage or a warm body? Seeing a hitch-hiker on the road today gave me an idea (not picking him up, though - hitch-hiking is risky business, whether you're the hitcher or the picker-upper). I'm going to start carrying extra bottled water in the car this year. That way, when my husband are out & about, & I see homeless folks & day laborers around town, I can offer them something practical.