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Pets chit chat thread

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  • Rhaethe
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Are you sure it's two? Not saying you are wrong ... I'd read a recent-ish set of studies that placed dogs (on average) around the intelligence and social/mental needs of a 4-5 year old. I know parrots are an entirely different species, but I always considered them at least as developed as dogs. Hmmm ... something to research today! LOL

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by Shahaku View Post
    Ugh.. how do I keep coming across all the creepy-crawlie Aussie posts? (do Aussie's mind being called Aussies or is it a faux pas?)

    I was thinking about adopting a parrot and then I read, "Similar to having a special needs child for the rest of your life." Maybe I'll just volunteer occasionally at the parrot rescue...
    Hey I was saying that we DON'T have ticks! Blame Medusa for bringing in the others

    (And actually... only Adelaide doesn't have ticks. The rest of the country has some... and Queensland has deadly ones).

    And we call ourselves Aussies, so it's fine.. Only it's pronounced 'Ozzies'. That's the important part... I was called an 'Aahssy' far too many times when I was in the US.

    Parrots... they have the social and mental needs of a 2 year old. Only you may have them for between 10-80 years, depending on the species.

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  • Heka
    Originally posted by Shahaku View Post
    Ugh.. how do I keep coming across all the creepy-crawlie Aussie posts? (do Aussie's mind being called Aussies or is it a faux pas?)
    I have no issue.

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  • Shahaku
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Ugh.. how do I keep coming across all the creepy-crawlie Aussie posts? (do Aussie's mind being called Aussies or is it a faux pas?)

    I was thinking about adopting a parrot and then I read, "Similar to having a special needs child for the rest of your life." Maybe I'll just volunteer occasionally at the parrot rescue...

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  • Medusa
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
    We don't have ticks in Adelaide, so I'm afraid that I'm actually not that much help on this one.

    When my clients go into tick areas, the standard recommendation is either Frontline Plus or Advantix, because they are readily available here. Vets in tick areas may have a wider range of recommendations. At vet nurse school we're pretty much taught about ticks, their life cycle, how to treat paralysis tick and that you should use monthly or fortnightly (depending on the product) prevention. So while I can tell you a bit about ticks themselves... yeah... not very helpful.

    i guess your big ass spiders and snakes eat all the ticks.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Our older dog has ticks. I've seen 3 now come off of her in the kitchen. I actually wear shorts in there so I can see if any get on me. One last night got on my foot. And I quickly went on a smashing spree to the little buggar. What is the best way to get rid of ticks? Medicinal baths, pills? I need some advice oh smart ones.
    We don't have ticks in Adelaide, so I'm afraid that I'm actually not that much help on this one.

    When my clients go into tick areas, the standard recommendation is either Frontline Plus or Advantix, because they are readily available here. Vets in tick areas may have a wider range of recommendations. At vet nurse school we're pretty much taught about ticks, their life cycle, how to treat paralysis tick and that you should use monthly or fortnightly (depending on the product) prevention. So while I can tell you a bit about ticks themselves... yeah... not very helpful.

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  • Rhaethe
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    There are all sorts of remedies and baths and whatnot out there, but those aren't prevention. RMSF has spread greatly in the past 20 years, and lyme disease is always a worry. So, when it comes to ticks, I spring for the stuff on the link below. I personally use K9 Advantix II

    Everyday practices for TickSafe living TickSmart™ focuses on providing people at risk for dangerous tick encounters with simple, effective strategies – everyday practices – for TickSafe living. Our goal is to make tick-bite protection easy so that you’ll actually “do it”. Prevention Dig a little deeper

    Whilst I do not live in Rhode Island, the whole site is an excellent resource. There are tips there on how to tick-proof clothing and yard and such.

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  • Medusa
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Our older dog has ticks. I've seen 3 now come off of her in the kitchen. I actually wear shorts in there so I can see if any get on me. One last night got on my foot. And I quickly went on a smashing spree to the little buggar. What is the best way to get rid of ticks? Medicinal baths, pills? I need some advice oh smart ones.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    Our pit Lexi is bigger then our old dog Poppy. She's only 5 months!
    She's beautiful We don't have many true Pit Bulls in Australia, 'cos they are a restricted breed and you have to jump through some hoops to get them here. About the closest I get on a daily basis is Am Staffs, and I love Am Staffs.

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  • Medusa
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Our pit Lexi is bigger then our old dog Poppy. She's only 5 months!


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  • DanieMarie
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Haha it's not that dead kills gross me out that's just that this one did. It was seriously a dead, barely fetal bird that fell out of its nest onto our roof terrace (we don't have a yard...the cat goes out on the terrace, which is secured with nets). It looked like a piece of meat with features. It was kind of sad as well, but mostly just a bit icky.

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  • Heka
    Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post

    Hah! We have blue tongue lizards, which are like the stupidest lizards on the planet when it comes to being hunted. They don't drop their tails, they are slow and chunky, and granted they can get about 20 inches long, but pretty much their survival strategy is to turn around, open their mouth and hiss. No matter how big their attacker is... they'll hiss and trust that their blue tongue will scare everything away. Which means that they are a VERY common thing for people to bring to me in boxes after they've been attacked by their dog. I love blueys, they are great to have in the garden and they make really good pets, but they really don't stand a chance against a dog or a dedicated cat.

    Tomas only gets the babies, because I think the babies are the only ones that go into his cat run. But the biggest he bought me was about 8-9 inches. Dunno if he'd go up against a full grown adult.
    Blue tongues rock.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
    I had a cat that used to hunt lizards. They annoyed the heck out of her because she'd catch their tail and they'd keep running without it.
    Hah! We have blue tongue lizards, which are like the stupidest lizards on the planet when it comes to being hunted. They don't drop their tails, they are slow and chunky, and granted they can get about 20 inches long, but pretty much their survival strategy is to turn around, open their mouth and hiss. No matter how big their attacker is... they'll hiss and trust that their blue tongue will scare everything away. Which means that they are a VERY common thing for people to bring to me in boxes after they've been attacked by their dog. I love blueys, they are great to have in the garden and they make really good pets, but they really don't stand a chance against a dog or a dedicated cat.

    Tomas only gets the babies, because I think the babies are the only ones that go into his cat run. But the biggest he bought me was about 8-9 inches. Dunno if he'd go up against a full grown adult.

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  • MaskedOne
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    I had a cat that used to hunt lizards. They annoyed the heck out of her because she'd catch their tail and they'd keep running without it.

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  • Rae'ya
    Re: Pets chit chat thread

    I was never grossed out by my cat bringing me things (he doesn't live with me now, but with my parents). He used to bring me things relatively untouched, so I got things like live goldfish at my bedroom door, or a live blue tongue lizard. He had a certain meow that he would do when he came in. He'd come in, drop and then do his 'look mum, I caught you something' meow. Our other cat would eat all her catches and never shared, unless she lost hold of her mice, then she'd come get you to help her find it again.

    Our cats have an enclosed cat run, so they haven't been able to get birds for many, many years. But they could still get mice and lizards and gold fish from the pond.

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