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  • Jasmine
    Re: Interests and what we do

    I'm just generally not good at profiles. How do you talk about yourself without sounding incredibly dull? I haven't figured it out yet.

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  • Ophidia
    Re: Interests and what we do

    Interests can just be stuff you find... interesting. Subjects you enjoy talking about or researching. It doesn't have to be stuff you actually do. You should never feel bad for being curious or engaged by a subject.

    I find quantum physics fascinating - but I have no idea what it's really all about. And I'm certainly not a quantum physicist. But it's cool to get caught up in conversations about it.

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  • nbdy
    Interests and what we do

    I probably think too much. Just now, deciding that it looked like I would be staying here for a while, I went to flesh out my profile a bit more and was absolutely immobilized by the prompt "Interests." There is not much I don't find interesting, but "life" is a glib answer that tells other people little. Is it dishonest to list things that I have found inspiring but do not really do very much? So, then, should "interests" be things that I actually DO? If I list a bunch of things that I wish to do rather than things I actually do, isn't that a list of dreams rather than hobbies? Sadly, most of what I do is not that interesting to me. This left me puzzled and perplexed, because life is fairly short and shouldn't we all be doing mostly those things that we find interesting?

    So, for any of you who spend more time than not doing what you really want to do -- tell me how. Bear in mind that I have a family to tend, so going Kerouac is not an option. I want to have my cake and eat it, too. Is that possible?

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  • RiverSong
    Re: hobbies

    Yes, that sounds like a normal Japanese voice to me! Very good. ^_^
    Oh, I'm not into Pokemon anymore... that was my teen years. lol. But whenever I hear that over exaggerated angry squeaky voice in anime, I think "Pikachu". Oops! Yeah... we kind of made the hobby post a Japanimation spot, didn't we? Oops!!! I think I started it. ;^_^
    Will PM with all the anime I'm into!

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  • Jembru
    Re: hobbies

    Originally posted by RiverSong View Post
    Doh! Can you give me a hint on where to find the clip? I got lost and distracted with a funny thread here about finding pubic hairs in the shower drain. ROTFL!
    Oh and I noticed that your profile says that you're a night owl... ME TOO! Well, sorta. I usually sleep afternoons and then wake at midnight... stay up until the afternoon once again. But today, I got so engrossed with this site... so I'm stay up until dawn this time.
    Hahaha. Glad you're enjoying the forum. I guess this IS about hobbies so we're not THAT off topic. :s All the same, maybe we should PM. ^^

    The thread was 'Any other languages' about languages that are NOT Japanese or German (because they have their own threads) so naturally, I end up talking about Japanese.. all forums have their bad eggs.. here's my post from that thread..

    Originally posted by Jembru View Post
    I had totally forgotten all about promising to do this. I've agreed to (eek) make a youtube video for a guy who makes awesome Japanese tutorials on there. I'm really nervous about people the world over hearing my crappy Japanese. Then I remembered this thread and thought, why not start on a smaller friendly audience. Assuming I don't die of embarrassment, it might help ease my way.. ^^

    So, here's my soundcloud link *blush*

    Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio

    It (supposidly) says:

    hey everyone, jembru here. Well, I recently learnt an amusing new word, so I felt like using that in a sentence. So, without further ado, please listen..

    Heh cute! That piggy has tufty hair!

    Thanks for listening!

    The back story to this is that one of my Japanese friends recently had a baby and one of her fb contacts wrote 'fusa fusa' on her wall. I thought this was a funky word so have used it at every opportunity since. Yup, including at a poor little baby pig!
    - - - Updated - - -

    Now I hear that again that's totally not my best anime accent. That's almost my normal Japanese accent. The parts that aren't my example sentance are basically my normal accent except I don't usually say 'chatta' like that. Or do I? Well if I do, I'm a weirdo. That sounds like someone with a mental illness right there...

    I played this for one of my Japanese friends. Her reaction.. she laughed and refused to comment. ^^

    Oh you mentioned pikachu.. did you know we have a pokemon thread too?
    Last edited by Jembru; 22 Nov 2012, 00:38.

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  • RiverSong
    Re: hobbies

    Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed it was because of the "u" at the end of it. I should have just asked. ;^_^
    But yes, I know that Japanese people do not speak like anime in real life. I'm also a fan of a few subbed Japanese films, not just anime. That's why the angry Pikachu voice is so funny to me. Just like everything that Gir says in the American cartoon "Invader Zim" is so hilarious to me, because of his weird yet cute voice. ^_-
    However, I do notice that when I first stated to learn Japanese, my family wanted me to show off with some words... but was highly disappointed because I didn't do the strong male choppy voice they know of. I explained that one, that's a masculine male voice to say things so deeply and forcefully. And two, not everyone in Japan talks like that. I say the words normally.

    I'll have to look up your voice clip then! LOL! I love impressions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Doh! Can you give me a hint on where to find the clip? I got lost and distracted with a funny thread here about finding pubic hairs in the shower drain. ROTFL!
    Oh and I noticed that your profile says that you're a night owl... ME TOO! Well, sorta. I usually sleep afternoons and then wake at midnight... stay up until the afternoon once again. But today, I got so engrossed with this site... so I'm stay up until dawn this time.

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  • Jembru
    Re: hobbies

    My name isn't Japanese I'm afraid. It's just a contraction of my first and second name that I've used since college. Yeah, I do the anime voice. I actually dislike that tone though, especially because so many westerners seem believe that Japanese people speak like they do in anime. It's a repressed culture. Anime is life as the Japanese WISH it could be. If anything, it's the opposite to real Japan.. the way they speak reflects this. They can speak in ways that would be weird or unacceptable in reality. Females are definitely super feminine in Japan but even the kids going to the school next to my apartment never spoke like those girls in anime. I do however, deliberately speak like this sometimes. We both put on those voices, JP and I. If you look in 'any other languages' there's a voice clip of me talking about a pig's hair in my best anime accent. Hehe.

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  • RiverSong
    Re: hobbies

    Originally posted by Jembru View Post
    It's actually pretty hard to practice Japanese in Japan. Everyone wants to try their English and if you are in the city, almost all signs are in English too and a great majority of service staff will speak at least some English. I picked up mainly phrases I could use in the office at work so I could speak to my Japanese colleagues, but even so, it was only my branch boss, my buchou, who spoke no English at all. JP likes anime and sometimes we mute them and do our own voice overs. Whenever there is some distressed female yelling something at the hero, I dub 'koppi no choushi ga warukute...' (the photocopier isn't working..) or phrases like that. Makes us laugh at least.

    See what happens when you talk to Jembru about Japanese.. threads get derailed..
    WOW! You know, I was once told by someone that it's impossible to get around Japan without knowing Japanese. It's awesome that wasn't the case for you and that makes me a lot less nervous about how I may do, if I ever get to go there somewhere.
    ROTFL! That's funny about the "the photocopier isn't working" line. Do you say it in that high-pitch angry girl voice they do in anime too? I just love that tone that the girls in anime take in the Japanese version, like an angry Pikachu. XD

    I gotta look up what "Jembru" means in a moment. LOL! ^_-

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  • Jembru
    Re: hobbies

    It's actually pretty hard to practice Japanese in Japan. Everyone wants to try their English and if you are in the city, almost all signs are in English too and a great majority of service staff will speak at least some English. I picked up mainly phrases I could use in the office at work so I could speak to my Japanese colleagues, but even so, it was only my branch boss, my buchou, who spoke no English at all. JP likes anime and sometimes we mute them and do our own voice overs. Whenever there is some distressed female yelling something at the hero, I dub 'koppi no choushi ga warukute...' (the photocopier isn't working..) or phrases like that. Makes us laugh at least.

    See what happens when you talk to Jembru about Japanese.. threads get derailed..

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  • RiverSong
    Re: hobbies

    Originally posted by Jembru View Post
    LOL! You know the important things at least. Just one thing missing, 'kono mise wa nomihoudai deshou ka?' 'Is this place all you can drink?'. Those are roughly the main phrases I survived on in Japan. Sumimasen for when I stepped on someone's foot, or needed to get past oh... and 'shinjuku made desu ka' (is this for shinjuku), because I knew how to get home from Shinjuku so if I was lost, I just needed to get nack there and I'd be fine!
    NEAT!!! You've been to Japan??? I've always wanted to go there! ^_^
    And... for a silly reason too... I want to try authentic Ramen. I like the freeze-dried stuff so much that I KNOW that the real thing has got to be heaven!! And I want to do a lot of shopping in Tokyo.
    But, no money, so that's a "someday" dream.
    Cool, I didn't know you could survive on just a few phrases. I use to know the world "yellow" too, but long forgot it. o_o
    Not sure how that would help anyways, mixing it with the bathroom phrase would just be gross.
    The rest of the words I know are just random, like "zutto" for "always", and "chansu" for "chance".

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  • Jembru
    Re: hobbies

    Originally posted by RiverSong View Post
    LOL! Yes, it's a shame that Netflix is ruining all of of fun! I wish I could afford cable, then I'd watch it live on the BBC channel, but alas I am a poor woman.
    Yeah, she just may be a beginner! I wouldn't know, as I'm a beginner myself. Well... I've been trying to learn Japanese since I was 15 (I'm age 32 now), but still... I have the Japanese vocabulary of a six year old. ;^_^
    Yes... I only watch her for the boobs. ROTFL. I can't concentrate on much that she says, as she's hopping up and down ALL THE TIME. I think I've learned "zero" with the videos, but they're fun.

    Thank you, I shall take you up on your offer sometime! I'm very beginner, I know zero kanji, and most of the word I've learn are just the basics of saying hello (konnichiwa), goodbye (Sayonara or Ja ne for informal), good morning (Ohaiyogozaimasu), good night (Oyasuminasai), thank you (Arigatou gozaimasu), (Gomennasai) sorry, and where is the bathroom (otearai wa doko desu ka?). o_O
    And I stumble on pronouncing "otearai"! I have a hard time with the "r"/"l" sound in Japanese.
    LOL! You know the important things at least. Just one thing missing, 'kono mise wa nomihoudai deshou ka?' (Is this place all you can drink?). Those are roughly the main phrases I survived on in Japan. There was also 'sumimasen' for when I stepped on someone's foot, or needed to get past oh... and 'shinjuku made desu ka' (is this for shinjuku), because I knew how to get home from Shinjuku so if I was lost, I just needed to get back there and I'd be fine!

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  • RiverSong
    Re: hobbies

    Originally posted by Jembru View Post
    Well then, I think we need a ban on mentioning episodes until they appear on Netflix. I can live with that. Hannah eh? I'm not that impressed but she's harmless. I can't find any videos where she actually speaks more than one sentence of Japanese at a time and they seem.. rehearsed. I don't think she is much more than a beginner herself but I could be wrong. My boyfriend and I make fun of her accent, but I am sure mine isn't much better ^^ I'm more of a fan of Ken Tanaka on Youtube, but I recently discovered he is friends with Hannah. I was gutted, but I guess now I have no choice but to like her. I KNOW he only likes her for her boobs, he hints at that in one of his videos, but still, if it's good enough for Ken Tanaka...

    It's a shame the Japanese learning thread is so dead. I'm sometimes tempted to just start it up again, but it's not my thread and last time I answered a question in there I felt a little like I'd upset Kijani (well, it was rude of me just to step in like that). If you need any advice on the basics though, drop me a line and I'd be delighted to help you get started.
    LOL! Yes, it's a shame that Netflix is ruining all of of fun! I wish I could afford cable, then I'd watch it live on the BBC channel, but alas I am a poor woman.
    Yeah, she just may be a beginner! I wouldn't know, as I'm a beginner myself. Well... I've been trying to learn Japanese since I was 15 (I'm age 32 now), but still... I have the Japanese vocabulary of a six year old. ;^_^
    Yes... I only watch her for the boobs. ROTFL. I can't concentrate on much that she says, as she's hopping up and down ALL THE TIME. I think I've learned "zero" with the videos, but they're fun.

    Thank you, I shall take you up on your offer sometime! I'm very beginner, I know zero kanji, and most of the word I've learn are just the basics of saying hello (konnichiwa), goodbye (Sayonara or Ja ne for informal), good morning (Ohaiyogozaimasu), good night (Oyasuminasai), thank you (Arigatou gozaimasu), (Gomennasai) sorry, and where is the bathroom (otearai wa doko desu ka?). o_O
    And I stumble on pronouncing "otearai"! I have a hard time with the "r"/"l" sound in Japanese.

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  • Jembru
    Re: hobbies

    Well then, I think we need a ban on mentioning episodes until they appear on Netflix. I can live with that. Hannah eh? I'm not that impressed but she's harmless. I can't find any videos where she actually speaks more than one sentence of Japanese at a time and they seem.. rehearsed. I don't think she is much more than a beginner herself but I could be wrong. My boyfriend and I make fun of her accent, but I am sure mine isn't much better ^^ I'm more of a fan of Ken Tanaka on Youtube, but I recently discovered he is friends with Hannah. I was gutted, but I guess now I have no choice but to like her. I KNOW he only likes her for her boobs, he hints at that in one of his videos, but still, if it's good enough for Ken Tanaka...

    It's a shame the Japanese learning thread is so dead. I'm sometimes tempted to just start it up again, but it's not my thread and last time I answered a question in there I felt a little like I'd upset Kijani (well, it was rude of me just to step in like that). If you need any advice on the basics though, drop me a line and I'd be delighted to help you get started.

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  • RiverSong
    Re: hobbies

    Originally posted by Jembru View Post
    Dr Who AND Japanese? Last time I met someone with those hobbies I fell in love! The night I met my partner, he impressed me with his Japanese, but it was when he told me, in Japanese, that he was really into Dr. Who, that I realised we would have a long and happy future together. Dr. Who is a massive deal in my family. JP spent his first Christmas with us last year and was bowled over by what a central part of the day the Christmas special is. Most my immediate family are either pagan or atheist, so we jokingly call it 'Dr. Who day'. We phone family members who couldn't be there to discuss the episode afterwards as well. It's all very silly but I love it!

    Actually, we don't have a thread for Dr. Who. Want to start one? Did you see the clip from Children in Need last week? I think the snowmen looked a bit... wait. Let's save it for the thread...
    LOL! Yes, I'm overly geeky, so both Japanese and Doctor Who is my interests! ^_^
    Though, I don't speak Japanese fluently at all, but I'm trying. I have the "Japanese Word Coach" for the Nintendo DS. And I love browsing whatever websites and youtube places for Japanese words and phrases. Have you heard of Miss Hannah Minx: ? Ah, I admit that most of her lessons I can't concentrate on because of her huge... erm... "personality". ;^_^

    Doctor Who have been something I loved since I was age six, watching the Tom Baker series. I don't remember much of the episodes then, (but recently re-watched them) because I was too little... but not so little enough that I didn't have a serious crush on that Doctor! He's still very handsome in my eyes! It's way too awesome that you have a "Doctor Who Day"! It's not silly at all! My sister and I are sadly the only fans in my family... and she's lives out of state now. So, the most we have is calling each other after watching the episodes to squeal like little girls with, "OMG!!!! Did you see... And when he... I thought they were going to die!!!"

    Yeah, I agree that having a thread may not be such a good idea. I know that Netflix is VERY slow with the new episodes! Grr! So much so, that I've been buying episodes from Amazon to keep up! I'm now waiting for the Christmas episode, which will be on Amazon the day AFTER it actually airs. So, you may spoil me too! XD
    Yay, Maria!!! Another Netflix user! None of my pals own that and so when I bring it up that I watch this show or that on there I get the thousand yard stare. I so understand what you mean, Netflix is mean in being so slow... I'm still waiting for season 2 of "Being Human"... and that show is on season three already. :-/

    BUT, I want to say something and not spoil anyone... so, I'll just say this. I'm still feeling having the "Pond Feels". :-(

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  • Jembru
    Re: hobbies

    Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
    I wont ever be able to join the Dr. Who thread, I have to wait about a season out for them to put Dr. Who on netflix! That is the only bloody thing I regret about not having television!
    Hmm, that's a point. It would be hard to discuss episodes without spoiling it for people who are a little behind. Unless we talk about all things Dr.Who besides current episodes? Or we could make a rule that you have to start posts with a big spoiler disclaimer if you do wish to to mention an episode. I don't know. Initially though, I was just thinking of discussing things like our favourite Doctor, favourite episode, scariest episode, least irritating companion.. that kind of thing. Maybe even childhood memories as I know I have plenty. Or things we've collected. I hadn't really thought that far. あるいは、せんかいの エピソードをそうだん したかったら、にほんごでかきましょう。(or maybe whenever we want to discuss the most recent episode, we can write in Japanese. This is a joke btw. Just being silly). We just need some kind of ground rules and it could work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Actually, better still.. if we want to talk about recent episodes, we could just PM I guess.

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