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Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

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    Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    hitler is satan, he's our god and jews are evil creeps with weird noses.

    Actually, no.

    Most of you are familiar with the Joy of Satan site. Most of you know it's a brainwashing cult ruled by Maxine Deitrich and her legion of evil puppets (Also known as the High Priests and Priestess under Maxine's command). Most know that she's nuts, and all was mildly tolerable until she married the neo-nazi guy, then she evolved, as a pokemon, from being nuts to being completely screwed.

    However, not all Theistic/Traditional/Spiritual Satanists follow her madness! I am one of them, and ironically enough, it was a good start. Fortunately I own, and have read, the three huge tomes of Chronicles of WWII which traumatized me enough to make me run away once I noticed the nazi stuff. There is still useful and accurate information on the site like the demon/entity list, which was actually stolen and compiled, among other stuff.

    There are not many sites, to my knowledge, dealing with Traditional Satanism appart from the ones that an idol among Theistic Satanists, Venus Satanas, has listed in her website: Venus Satanas' resources

    All satanists have diferent views: Some only believe in Satan, as Lucifer, as Enki (Sumerian) or Marduk (Also sumerian), or Ea (Did I say Sumerian?). Some believe in a gazillion entities appart from Satan/Marduk/Lucifer/Enki/Ea (like myself).

    Some of us sacrifice animals, I personally haven't, and don't plan to, ever.

    Some of us hold a strong grudge against Christians, I used to as well, but got over it quite quickly thanks to the guidance of a friend. This kind of Satanists are often referred as Reverse-Christians or Church-Burners. I love the terms, most of the time it fits them well. This kind of Satanists usually focus too much on their hatred against Christianity and do not practice their own path, thus making them just a reaction. They are often not considered as true satanists.


    (Disclaimer: there are things that I may not know)

    Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist

    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

    What do you believe Satan to be? Do you believe he is a god like the one depicted in the Christian Bible? Do you also believe in the Christian god, and that Satan is in opposition to him? Or do you simply worship a god whose traits you believe line up with Satan as he is described in the Abrahamic religions (though given a bad rap)?


      Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

      Originally posted by -JT- View Post
      What do you believe Satan to be? Do you believe he is a god like the one depicted in the Christian Bible? Do you also believe in the Christian god, and that Satan is in opposition to him? Or do you simply worship a god whose traits you believe line up with Satan as he is described in the Abrahamic religions (though given a bad rap)?
      Alright! Let's get started...

      Not so much as in the Bible. Satana in hebrew means "adversary" and it is thought to refer to every other religion. I do not remember if the Bible links Satan and Lucifer, but I couldn't care less. For us, he is indeed a god. For me particularly, he is one of the Four Crowned Princes of Hell (I love writing that, hah), the other three are Astaroth/Ishtar, Azazel, and Beelzebub/Thoth. Some believe that Satan is above them, while I believe the four of them have an equal place.

      I don't know about others, but I believe the Christian God to be a (perhaps powerful) thoughtform of sorts. I mean, after 2000+ years of believing in him, heck, something has to come out of it!

      We do adhere to the rebelliousness and questioning attitude of Lucifer as in the bible. However, it is only part of the philosophy, and not the belief itself.

      Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


        Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

        Thanks - very interesting. (Hope you don't mind if I ask a few more questions...I'm hoping we can get the thread going so that others will join in)

        You mention he is one of the four crown princes of hell. What is hell to you?

        Is there a reason you were drawn to this spiritual symbolism as opposed to other types?

        What were some of the reasons you were drawn to Theistic Satanism?


          Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

          Originally posted by -JT- View Post
          Thanks - very interesting. (Hope you don't mind if I ask a few more questions...I'm hoping we can get the thread going so that others will join in)

          You mention he is one of the four crown princes of hell. What is hell to you?

          Is there a reason you were drawn to this spiritual symbolism as opposed to other types?

          What were some of the reasons you were drawn to Theistic Satanism?
          Hell is a little corner of the infinity of the astral plane, ruled by them. It's like a kingdom of sorts. Its hard to describe, as it's not material. I believe that the astral plane is outside the spatial dimension, thus not affected by it, so there is no point in trying to figure out how big it is.

          I looked into druidism and deism as well, but I felt a huge connection with Satanism.

          Mainly, I was looking for a belief system that I could feel related to, something that would make sense to me. Satanism fitted that criteria quote well. Also, I've always been drawn to unknown stuff -If they're hiding it, they must have a reason- It is a way to feed my high curiosity and urge to experiment. Also, being a metalhead, satanism seems to fit quite well. (just joking, it's just a coincidence. I dont believe in coincidences though. There must be a connection, Im just not sure how)

          Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


            Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

            According to your faith, how did the princes come to exist? and the universe and other beings?
            What are your holy days?
            Your personal relationship to Satan?
            How does sumerian anything tie into satanism?
            (I have more o-o)
            They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
            Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
            -Madeline Miller, Circe


              Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

              "How does sumerian anything tie into satanism? " I would ask this myself,when did sumerian deities get tied into a basically christian construct like satan?
              MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

              all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
              NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
              don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


              my new page here,let me know what you think.

              nothing but the shadow of what was



                Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                Originally posted by corvus View Post
                according to your faith, how did the princes come to exist? And the universe and other beings?
                What are your holy days?
                Your personal relationship to satan?
                they appeared in a poof of glitter

                The Beggining is a heavily discussed matter between Satanists. A lot of debates and stuff. At the moment, nothing is "official". There are many "theories", however, we all agree that Satan is NOT omnipotent. Omnipotence is only possible within ourselves. This means that Satan is not the creator of everything, but only some things. What I, and many others, believe is that the universe, and the planes, come from the Quintessence, the fifth yet first element. Also known as Akasha by Hinduism (if I'm not mistaken), this element is the origin of everything. It is everywhere, and everything has a portion of its infinity. We could say that the Quintessence is existence itself. Satan and Thoth are presumed to be very close to the Quintessence in its "lineage", but not a direct result.

                Our holidays are the basic seasonal holidays (Summer/Winter Solstice, Autumn/Spring equinox) and some common pagan celebrations (The Eve of Beltane, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara and Samhain)

                It is worth noting that this religion, path, or belief system is NOT about worship, it's about RESPECT and in some cases even FRIENDSHIP with the demons and entities, incluiding Satan himself. He is a guide, a father, showing us ONE of the many paths there is to enlightment.
                I've made contact with him only once, and I must say, it is one of the most memorable experiences in my life. Although there was very little communication, he seemed quite pleased with my prescence, as I was of his. He envelopped me in his energy and aura. I had never felt something so powerful yet serene, calm.

                Originally posted by corvus View Post
                how does sumerian anything tie into satanism?
                (i have more o-o)
                Originally posted by anunitu View Post
                "how does sumerian anything tie into satanism? " i would ask this myself,when did sumerian deities get tied into a basically christian construct like satan?
                Quite an interesting question! When I first started I asked myself this question. Studies done in the XX century revealed quite a connection between ancient Indian and Hebrew languages, as well as some links between the early Judaism and Hinduism. Satana is an ancient, even milenary town in India. They were earth worshippers, and apparently influenced (or were influenced by, I cant remember) sumerian nomads. So Satan can be linked to Sumeria. It is not backed up completely, and there are some holes, so to speak, in the information, but it is enough to establish a connection.

                Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


                  Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                  As I consider these things,if indeed these aspects of Sumerian myth were "Taken" by later religious groups,and tailored to meet their concepts then there really isn't a direct connection between them. What I mean is if a deity is copied,then rendered as a negative aspect for the sake of having a "Dark" side in the religion that copied them(stolen is such a negative term) then one cannot assume the negative is in fact reflective of the copied myths that were not viewed as negative.

                  Say I was to take an aspect of Christianity,and refashion it into a different image for my own purposes,that would not really have the original intention of the copied aspect. If I copy a design for a car(ford will do),the copy is not considered a Ford but only a copy of the concept.

                  I know this is convoluted in explaining the issue,but in a simpler idea a copy is not the original.
                  Last edited by anunitu; 31 Mar 2012, 21:09.
                  MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                  all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                  NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                  don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                  my new page here,let me know what you think.

                  nothing but the shadow of what was



                    Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                    Originally posted by anunitu View Post
                    As I consider these things,if indeed these aspects of Sumerian myth were "Taken" by later religious groups,and tailored to meet their concepts then there really isn't a direct connection between them. What I mean is if a deity is copied,then rendered as a negative aspect for the sake of having a "Dark" side in the religion that copied them(stolen is such a negative term) then one cannot assume the negative is in fact reflective of the copied myths that were not viewed as negative.
                    In fact, there is no connection with the Bible's Satan and our Satan, as the bible one isn't even an entity, but rather a denomination.

                    The focus is in fact at the connection between India and Sumer, not between the abrahamic religion and Sumerian. The nomad sumerians worshipped Enki, a sumerian god of the Earth, who traveled to India and ended up in the town Satana, where the townspeople worshipped the earth, is when and where the connection between Sumerian God Enki and the Satanian's worship of the earth takes place. This event is what defines Satan as Enki and vice-versa, and how the name Satan is conected to Sumer.

                    Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


                      Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                      This explains a lot,it would seem from this that the name Satan was taken to describe Lucifer( I think that was Angel of Light) in to a darker figure depicted as the image we see now as the Red demon with the horns. In a way to connect Pagan beliefs with this darker aspect,to color Pagans as "Demonic".
                      MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                      all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                      NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                      don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                      my new page here,let me know what you think.

                      nothing but the shadow of what was



                        Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                        Originally posted by anunitu View Post
                        This explains a lot,it would seem from this that the name Satan was taken to describe Lucifer( I think that was Angel of Light) in to a darker figure depicted as the image we see now as the Red demon with the horns. In a way to connect Pagan beliefs with this darker aspect,to color Pagans as "Demonic".
                        I agree completely. Painting others as bad is a common way to make people adhere to beliefs, ideologies and more.

                        Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


                          Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                          Would you consider Theistic Satanists to be Pagan? I ask because this has come up quite alot with Satanism. As an Atheistic Satanist, I do not consider myself to fall under the Pagan umbrella. But it seems your branch might fight quite well there.
                          Satan is my spirit animal


                            Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                            Would you consider Theistic Satanists to be Pagan? I ask because this has come up quite alot with Satanism. As an Atheistic Satanist, I do not consider myself to fall under the Pagan umbrella. But it seems your branch might fight quite well there.
                            Most of the deities we believe in are from either Sumerian or egyptian origin. The rituals are often based in ancient traditions, among other things. I think it would fit quite alright into paganism.

                            Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


                              Re: Ask a Theistic Satanist thread!

                              Chocolate or Pisctaio icecream?

