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    Re: Enter The Heathen

    Awesome, and welcome(not to mention thanks for posting an intro)!

    Would that mean you would consider yourself a practitioner of Seid, then?
    Great Grandmother's Kitchen


      Re: Enter The Heathen

      Thanks And I'll say no to practising seidhr for the reason that it's too ill-defined in my mind. The cultural references to such are slim pickings and I'm still not sue how I feel about oracular seidhr. So for now, I'll refer to that part of my path as "shamanic tendencies." Maybe in the future I'll change my mind.
      "The doer alone learneth." -- Friedrich Nietzsche


        Re: Year End Meme! 2011 is done!

        1) Was 2011 a good year for you? Not really. I'm pretty glad it's over actually. It's been a very rough year.

        2) What was your favorite moment of the year? Going to Spreewald with my mom

        3) What was your least favorite moment of the year? So many choices. It's really hard to just pick one....overall it's been rough times. I'm stressed about my job a lot and it's often pretty boring, it's my last year of university and it's hard to juggle 25-30 hours of work and full-time study, especially since even though I do distance, which has a more flexible schedule, I have to learn so much on my own. I've been stressed about what comes after, because Berlin is NOT a good place for jobs, but I kind of hate the rest of Germany. I've been struggling with a guy, and it's long distance. I've had a rough time with depression. My body is all out of whack. My hardwood floors, which weren't finished properly, warped from humidity. My cat almost died. Etc, etc, etc..

        4) Where were you when 2011 began? In my apartment....I had a new years party at mine. We were on the balcony.

        5) Who were you with? My friends.

        6 ) Where will you be when 2011 ends? At my friends place...they're having a new years eve party

        7) Who will you be with when 2011 ends? The same friends as last year

        8.) Did you keep your New Year’s resolution of 2010? About half. Ones I kept: -Shape up- I lost weight and started to get fit again, now I really want to get in shape!
        -Get first class honors in as many courses as possible (I got first class honors in one class, and upper second in two and lower second in one, but just barely....overall upper second is a solid average to have).
        -Get a job or internship- I want to work on getting work experience that relates to my future career!
        -Build up a more professional wardrobe- Since I haven’t worked for a while at a job that required professional attire, it’s kind of all mismatched and half doesn’t fit. This kind of goes with the “job” goal. Even if I don’t really end up needing it, it’s good to have.
        Ones I didn't keep:
        -Build confidence- I want to work on becoming a more secure, confident person (not even kind of....if anything I'm less confident)
        -Work on my communication skills- I talk too much, or not enough, depending on the situation. I’d like to balance that out. (I think I may have managed this but I socialize so little now that I really don't know).
        -Communicate more in German- I always close up in my second language. I can speak it, but I –don’t- speak it really. (I don't go out enough to speak German much....I work and study in English)
        -Visit at least one new country or city. (nope..I went to London, but I'd already been there. Other than that I stayed in Berlin. The farthest I ventured was Spreewald, and I'd been there before).
        -Go to more concerts- Not just classical, which I’ve managed to do over the past couple of years. I used to go see bands ALL the time. I hardly ever go anymore! (I went to a city like this, that's nothing).

        9) Did you break up with anyone in 2011? No

        10) Did you make any new friends in 2011? A few

        11) Who are your favorite new friends? I made some great friends at work

        12) What was your favorite month of 2011? May. I had exams, but I was in London and I had a great time there despite the stress. It was great weather and I did lots of fun things. I came back and overall enjoyed myself.

        13) Did you go abroad in 2011? I feel London really doesn't count. It's almost a second home because I've collectively spent so much time there.

        14) How many different states did you travel to in 2011? Just London...and I went to Brandenburg here, which is technically a different state because even though Berlin is smack in the middle of it, Berlin is its own city state.

        15) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2011? no

        16) Did you miss anybody in the past year? I always miss people. I live far away from my family and old friends

        17) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2011? Either Black Swan or the Help

        18) What was your favorite album from 2011? Fleet Foxes

        19) How many concerts did you see in 2011? 2, Fleet Foxes and a production of Evita.

        20) Did you have a favorite concert in 2011? They were both great

        21) Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2011? Not really. I had my moments but I've really cut back. People drink heavily over here but I've sort of more gone back to the way I did in Canada.

        22) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2011? I don't do drugs

        23) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year? not really

        24) What was the biggest lie you told in 2011? I didn't tell any lies big enough to remember

        25) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2011? If anyone lied to me that badly, I don't know about it.

        26) Did you treat somebody badly in 2011? Not that I know of

        27) Did somebody treat you badly in 2011? We'll see....I'm not sure if it's treating me badly or just life stress.

        28) How much money did you spend in 2011? I'd have to pull out my bank statements for that one. Average. Probably more than a lot of people in this city, but less than most people I know.

        29) What was your most embarrassing moment of 2011? Probably getting too drunk on my birthday.

        30.) What is one thing you did in 2011 that you’d never done before? I cycled something between 50-60 km in one day.

        31.) Did someone close to you give birth? No

        32.) What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? Hmmm confidence and contentment. I'd also really like to be in a relationship. I say that every year, but it just doesn't happen. People always say to stop wanting it, but how can you stop wanting something you want so badly and never, ever get?

        33.) What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Clearly none, because not a single one comes to mind.

        34.) What was your biggest achievement of the year? I got a job and did decently in university. I think getting a first in accounting was a big one, because I barely studied for that class.

        35.) What was your biggest failure? Getting a lower second in strategic management. It's a pretty 'meh' grade and I studied so hard for that class. I think I was just burned out. It was in the morning and at the very end of my exams, and I had 2 exams that day.

        36.) Did you suffer illness or injury? Yeah I've had some hormonal crap, which isn't really proper illness but it sucks. Also, I've suffered mental illness, which manifested itself physically. My doctor thought I was actually ill even.

        37.) What was the best thing you bought? I like the jeans I bought myself for my birthday. They were on sale for 80 Euro (they were one of those brands that are normally like 200) and they fit amazingly and look great. I can never find jeans that fit me unless they're designer or I get them online...even online they're usually out of my size. Being little and slim in a land of tall people isn't easy lol.

        38.) Whose behavior merited celebration? My mom's...she's been a saint to me.

        39.) Whose behavior made you appalled? dunno

        40.) Where did most of your money go? Building maintenance usual. Other than that, I spent a substantial amount of money on the vet this year.

        41.) What did you get really, really, really excited about? The year ending....seriously.

        42.) Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or hardened? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? hardened, thinner, richer.

        43.) What do you wish you’d done more of? arts, travel, concerts

        44.) What do you wish you’d done less of? crying

        45.) How did you spend Christmas? With friends. At mine for the 24th (I do German Christmas), and at a friends for the 25th eating turkey dinner and watching Christmas movies.

        46.) Did you fall in love in 2011? Yes. First time too.

        47.) Any one-night stands? nope.

        48.) What was your favorite TV program? Game of Thrones! Followed by Once Upon a Time.

        49.) Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? No. I don't have the energy to hate people at all. I can dislike them and get annoyed by them, but hate is a very strong feeling.

        50.) What was the best book you read? ? The Song of Ice and Fire series...loved them all. I wish there were more books.

        51.) What was your greatest musical discovery? So, so many

        52.) What did you want and get? A dishwasher. An iPad

        53.) What did you want and not get? A committed relationship. I usually get all the material things I's the other stuff I'm lacking.

        54.) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I went out for dinner with family and friends. I turned 27.

        55.) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Less stress.

        56.) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010? Eclectic

        57.) What kept you sane? Singing and sewing.

        58.) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Aaron Eckhart. HOT.

        59.) What song will always remind you of 2011? I've Got a Feeling, by the just reminds me of the year. "Everybody had a hard year"....everyone I know DID have a hard year.

        60.) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011? I have to just let things go.

        61.) Quote a song lyric that sums up the year. "Everybody had a hard year"....see above.

        I'm looking forward to 2012. I have so much great stuff planned. Going to Sardinia, going to Canada, if I'm not working I'll cycle to Copenhagen....


          Re: Enter The Heathen

          good to meet you. i'm new as well. this place seems to be a busy one.


            Re: Enter The Heathen

            Hello and welcome! I love your avatar--it's beautiful. I hope you enjoy it here!
            Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

            Honorary Nord.

            Habbalah Vlogs


              hi to all,

              Hello everyone, i am new to this site..i hope i will share good views and thought to all of you.



                Re: hi to all,

                Hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy it here!
                Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

                Honorary Nord.

                Habbalah Vlogs


                  Re: Enter The Heathen

                  Originally posted by habbalah View Post
                  Hello and welcome! I love your avatar--it's beautiful. I hope you enjoy it here!

                  Thank you and I'm sure I will. I seems like a place with many a functioning brain. which honestly, seems to be a rare thing on the internet these days ^_^;; So I'm very glad to have found this forum.
                  "The doer alone learneth." -- Friedrich Nietzsche


                    Re: Hello

                    Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                    Hello and welcome to PF!
                    Thanks for the welcome. x


                      Re: Enter The Heathen

                      Originally posted by Vigdisdotter View Post
                      Thanks And I'll say no to practising seidhr for the reason that it's too ill-defined in my mind. The cultural references to such are slim pickings and I'm still not sue how I feel about oracular seidhr. So for now, I'll refer to that part of my path as "shamanic tendencies." Maybe in the future I'll change my mind.
                      I've been in the middle of working my way through that quagmire, and definitely undstand what you're saying! If you ever feel inclined to start a thread in the heathen section about those shamanic tendencies, I'd be very interested. Good resources, in particular, are a bear to find since there's so little to start with.
                      Great Grandmother's Kitchen


                        Re: Hello

                        Hey! Welcome to the forum
                        Great Grandmother's Kitchen


                          Re: Enter The Heathen

                          Hey, I know you. (Alexandria from WW.) Welcome to PF.
                          Hearth and Hedge


                            Re: Hello

                            Welcome to PF!
                            Hearth and Hedge


                              Re: hi to all,

                              Welcome to the forum.
                              Hearth and Hedge


                                Re: Enter The Heathen

                                Originally posted by Gardenia View Post
                                Hey, I know you. (Alexandria from WW.) Welcome to PF.
                                You do indeed Any idea how I multi-quote on here? I can never remember how that works. ETA...well damn, how did I do that?

                                ---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 AM ----------

                                Originally posted by Dez View Post
                                I've been in the middle of working my way through that quagmire, and definitely undstand what you're saying! If you ever feel inclined to start a thread in the heathen section about those shamanic tendencies, I'd be very interested. Good resources, in particular, are a bear to find since there's so little to start with.
                                I'll do that. I have some books I've read that I can review and others I still need to get around to. But to be honest I take ALL books with a large grain of salt. Oh and one not of warning, my midn can be a very odd place ^_^;;
                                "The doer alone learneth." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

