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What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

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    Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

    Originally posted by Shahaku View Post
    Sorry Jembru! lol I think I fit in this category, kinda. I've tried figuring out what my screen name means, if anything, but it originated from Haku in Spirited Away. I've used it almost as long as I've been online.

    When I saw nbdy for the first time I thought... low self-esteem.

    And it took me about six months to really read V's name.. not even gonna try to spell it, sorry V.

    I usually don't pay much attention to peoples screen names though unless I notice them popping up a lot and I usually recognize people by their photo more than anything else, which makes it kinda annoying when people change that photo and I don't realize it cause I'm like "Oh, that's them," two months down the road. And that's a whole other question huh?

    In an aside, this is the longest I've gone using the same avatar. I used to swap it out every few months, just to sort of 'refresh my dusty old @$$'.

    "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

    "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

    "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

    "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


      Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

      I'm a lifelong birder, studied avian biology, etc., so I usually pick something bird related. I think everyone tries to make some sort of statement with their online name. It tells people something about you, but what you meant & what they see can be two different things.
      Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


        Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

        I like this avatar Chain,I think it says it all. My avatar is not what most would think it means. It does not represent death,but the honoring of ancestors that have gone to the other realms of existence. As to my handle it is the name of a goddess figure from Sumeria,and Babylon. I tend to honor Goddess figures rather than the Gods.
        MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

        all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
        NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
        don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


        my new page here,let me know what you think.

        nothing but the shadow of what was



          Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

          Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
          I think everyone tries to make some sort of statement with their online name. It tells people something about you, but what you meant & what they see can be two different things.
          This!! So, this...

          I totally concur with Perze's list in the opening, and (if you see my name) you'll note that I am (sort of) guilty of the god name, although, "thalassa" is also just the word for "sea" can also fall into the "hippy" category.
          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


            Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

            Originally posted by perzephone View Post

            Anyone who just has their own name, why are you not anonymous on the internet? Are you trying to fool people into thinking you have nothing to fear or hide? Or are you a spammer?
            Wanna know a secret? Chess isn't my real name. I just use the name Chessa Agalia when I don't want to tell people my real name. It means joyous child of wisdom, which is what I'd have named myself if I'd been given the chance anyway.


              Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

              Does anyone use their craft name anymore? Do people even have craft names? That was the thing when I first started foruming. My name is my craft name. I was using it years ago online, and it just made sense to use it again now.
              ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


              I have never been across the way
              Seen the desert and the birds
              You cut your hair short
              Like a shush to an insult
              The world had been yelling
              Since the day you were born
              Revolting with anger
              While it smiled like it was cute
              That everything was shit.

              - J. Wylder


                Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                Originally posted by Heka View Post
                Does anyone use their craft name anymore? Do people even have craft names? That was the thing when I first started foruming. My name is my craft name. I was using it years ago online, and it just made sense to use it again now.
                I know some people who still maintain a tight border between their spirituality and their 'real life'. People who are practicing Pagans, but would never dream of asking for Samhain off. A lot of people in law enforcement & governmental positions, and people who work with children, still worry about the hysteria over things like 'Satanic Ritual Abuse'. So yes, there are people who have 'magical' names. I gave up the magical name thing when I stopped recognizing myself as Wiccan and began calling myself Pagan.
                The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                  Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                  Originally posted by perzephone View Post
                  I know some people who still maintain a tight border between their spirituality and their 'real life'. People who are practicing Pagans, but would never dream of asking for Samhain off. A lot of people in law enforcement & governmental positions, and people who work with children, still worry about the hysteria over things like 'Satanic Ritual Abuse'. So yes, there are people who have 'magical' names. I gave up the magical name thing when I stopped recognizing myself as Wiccan and began calling myself Pagan.
                  ah yeah, I get that. Seeing as I haven't practiced for ages I forget about Heka, I almost signed off with my real name the other day... Heka spoke to me as a name years ago, and I guess as far as craft names go, I mean why? The gods know your real name.... But yeah, mines still mine, it speaks to me, and while I don't use it for anything except the forum and signing off on pagany things... I still call it my craft name. What else would you call it? Meh.
                  ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                  I have never been across the way
                  Seen the desert and the birds
                  You cut your hair short
                  Like a shush to an insult
                  The world had been yelling
                  Since the day you were born
                  Revolting with anger
                  While it smiled like it was cute
                  That everything was shit.

                  - J. Wylder


                    Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                    I use mine, or variations of mine, wherever I go online. I'd use it in
                    real life too, if I thought people would take it seriously. I've always
                    just been strangely drawn to Quetzals and Quetzalcoatl, since I was
                    about 13, way before I even knew anything about paganism.
                    Yikes, all that cultural appropriation that used to be here tho


                      Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                      Originally posted by Quetzal View Post
                      I use mine, or variations of mine, wherever I go online. I'd use it in
                      real life too, if I thought people would take it seriously. I've always
                      just been strangely drawn to Quetzals and Quetzalcoatl, since I was
                      about 13, way before I even knew anything about paganism.
                      Believe me, with the upsurge in 'unique' names for kids these days, I don't think anyone would bat an eye over Quetzal. I think it's pretty, myself, and I'm a name snob when it comes to real-world interactions :P
                      The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                        Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                        Thanks, but the people I know would never use that name. Wouldn't
                        know how to pronounce it for one thing. I fear I'll be the incredibly
                        common Adam until the day I die, or ditch everyone I know.
                        Yikes, all that cultural appropriation that used to be here tho


                          Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                          I assume that all people on the internet are in fact middle-aged, rumpled men that don't shave every day. Like myself.

                          I assume that those who claim to be women are in fact middle-aged, rumpled men that don't shave every day.

                          I am told that I am often wrong about this, but I assume that the people telling me this are in fact middle-aged, rumpled men that don't shave every day.


                            Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                            Originally posted by perzephone View Post
                            Anyone with a name involving any combination of 'wolf', 'raven', 'fox', 'star', 'moon', 'dark', 'black', 'silver', 'nightshade', 'thorn', 'blade', 'sword', 'death', 'night', 'vampire' or 'blood' is most like a Special Dark Snowflake. If they've got the Latin equivalents, they're trying to fool people into thinking they aren't Special Dark Snowflakes.

                            Anyone with a name involving 'white', 'light', 'bright', 'day', 'peace', 'bless', 'gentle', 'heal' - are 'white' witches, Christo-Pagans/Wiccans...

                            Anyone with a name involving any combination of 'deer', 'feather', 'wind', 'bear', 'running', 'eagle', 'free', 'water', 'clear', 'river' - is a hippy. Or suffering from Post Hippy Dramatic Syndrome.

                            Anyone with a name involving 'kitsune', 'kami', or 'shini' is a furry or has gotten all of their Pagan learning from anime.

                            Anyone with a name involving 'chaos', 'kaos', 'kayos', 'Anansi', 'Coyote', or a lot of k, y, z, q, ae, etc. are probably Chaos Magicians, Discordians, Erisians, or something along those lines.

                            Anyone who just has their own name, why are you not anonymous on the internet? Are you trying to fool people into thinking you have nothing to fear or hide? Or are you a spammer?

                            Anyone who has a God/deity/well-known spirit's name or some variant thereof, wtf were we thinking?
                            This. With some exceptions.
                            When I see "fox" I automatically think furry. Some of the absolute top furry species of choice include fox (or kitsune), rabbit, wolf and tiger. Generally speaking if I see those in names I always wonder, okay so are they just being spiritual or a furry in disguise?

                            If I see anime names I also think, probably a teenager. Snowflake names that are too long, contain too many words smashed together (like more than two or three), have symbols of any kind, or are spelled wrong, also make me wonder if it's a teenager or just someone who's potentially immature.

                            Anyone with a deity's name I assume worships or highly regards that particular deity.

                            Certain names strike me as boasting, declarative or lofty sounding. Things like "shadow walker" or "fire bringer" or "hidden power" or "behind the mask" or "wrath". To me these are kind of separate from the special dark snowflake somewhat, although technically might be contained within that group. Especially when coupled with certain avatars or signatures sometimes it can reek of some kind of secret masked hero (or villain?) complex, almost like "I'm secretly awesome and so ninja-like you'll never see me coming, fear my badass magical power!" I don't know what title there is for those types, but the kind who like to have lots of power pissing contests with other pagans.

                            I have absolutely no idea what mine brings to mind for others. I was juggling ideas for a dualistic name featuring childlike innocence and darker stuff combined somehow, and that's what came out. I didn't give it much thought, really.


                              Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                              Originally posted by RainbowDemonic View Post
                              I have absolutely no idea what mine brings to mind for others. I was juggling ideas for a dualistic name featuring childlike innocence and darker stuff combined somehow, and that's what came out. I didn't give it much thought, really.
                              Hippie Goth.
                              The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                                Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                                Everybody gets the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes the most cringe-worthy names are cool people being ironic.
                                But usually not, lol.

