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Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

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    Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

    A Pagan woman I know in the area says all we need to do when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door is open the door naked.
    I don't think I could do that. I wouldn't put it past her, though! LOL
    Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


      Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

      Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
      A Pagan woman I know in the area says all we need to do when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door is open the door naked.
      I don't think I could do that. I wouldn't put it past her, though! LOL
      My husband has threatened to do that... we have never had any JWs come to the door for him to try it on...

      But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
      ~Jim Butcher


        Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

        Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
        My husband has threatened to do that... we have never had any JWs come to the door for him to try it on...
        Back in NJ they'd accost me in supermarket parking lots! Here they just go door to door. Less chance of getting shot, I suppose.
        Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


          Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

          They came to my door a few days ago. It was pretty epic. My son came to the door completely naked (we're potty training) and my daughter kept trying to drag me away and close the door. I didn't even have to convince them to leave because my kids took care of me.

          I tried to be polite, but they apparently see that as an invitation to return, which is inevitably what happens. I don't mind them coming to my door to talk to me about it as long as they don't take advantage of the situation - if I'm kind and explain that I'm not opposed to hearing what they have to say (if they keep it short) but that I'm not going to be converted, they need to give me their brief message and be on their way. I get that they want to help, and I'm allowing them a chance to hand me a pamplet or what have you and maybe some contact info... but do not come back. Do not bring your friends. As once happened, DO NOT bring your CHILDREN NEXT TIME so they can PLAY ON MY SWINGSET. Because that ain't cool.


            Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

            I see them coming up the street - always well-dressed and kids in tow. I just don't answer the door. They leave their brochure , and sometimes they jiggle the doorknob. That gives me the creeps. I'd hate to have to shoot one.
            Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


              Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

              Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
              A Pagan woman I know in the area says all we need to do when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door is open the door naked.
              I don't think I could do that. I wouldn't put it past her, though! LOL
              I can attest to the fact that this actually works. So does dressing up as a Sith Lord. :creepy:
              Warning: The above post may contain traces of sarcasm.

              An apostrophe is the difference between a business that knows its shit, and a business that knows it's shit.

              "Why is every object we don't understand always called a thing?" (McCoy. Star Trek: The Moive Picture)


                Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
                sometimes they jiggle the doorknob
                That's seriously not cool at all.


                  Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                  Originally posted by Raphaeline View Post
                  That's seriously not cool at all.
                  All joking aside, it does scare me a bit. It's not like a friend coming over or something.
                  Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                    Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                    Sometimes I admit I wonder is it an actual attempt to convert me or a test by one of the gods / goddesses I am sworn to. It's like I recall one instance where a couple came to the house and wanted to "Talk". At first I started to just walk away but then noticed this deer that had come down and was just standing there watching. So while we spoke the deer stayed there where it was and it didn't leave until the people had left. Artemis would seem to have stopped by and was watching. So who was testing whom? The same happened once with a group and the dogs started to howl and their cries echoed down the valley. It was near dusk and it gave the whole thing a surreal feel to it as we again "Talked". Needless to say the whole time we were speaking I kept an image of Hecate / Hekate looking upon me and seeing what I would do.

                    Granted some times it's just a conversation. It's like my brother-in-law is very religious and his step-son was training to go into the ministry. Needless to say we got in a number of discussions and spoke about the bible and Christian concepts. Finally his wife came in and told him to drop it as he was not going to convert me. Yet the whole time my father-in-law was sitting there watching and mentioned afterwards that he loved the point - counter-point discussion we were having and it amazed him to see his son stumped. Granted I had more knowledge of Gnostic practices and such and had delved deeper into the lost books and such as that has always interested me.

                    But I still wonder are they testing you for conversion to Christianity or are they simply a venue used by our own gods / goddesses at times to test and observe us?
                    I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                      Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                      This is not someone wanting to learn and share their faith with you in an equal exchange of information and ideas, or even to have a constructively critical comparison of religious beliefs, this is someone that wants to bully you for your spirituality. I don't owe someone like this my time, I don't owe them my conversation, and I certainly don't owe them justification of my faith. And neither do you. My advice here is to simply say, "I'm sorry, but my religion is none of your business." TBH, with people like this, I don't even bother to tell them I'm Pagan, or to engage with them other than saying, "Thank you for your concern. I will keep that in mind, but right now, I have other matters to tend to."

                      You are the one that controls this conversation, and if it isn't happening on mutually respectful terms with your explicit consent, you don't have to have it. Next time, just tell them they need to learn some interfaith manners!
                      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                        Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                        Originally posted by Dumuzi View Post
                        No Christians ever want to convert me.

                        Am I not good enough?
                        *pat pat* if you want I can quit respecting your religious differences and start proselytizing to you? I don't have any sermons prepared, but I'm sure I can whip one together!

                        And seriously, to the OP, you don't have to put up with this, and your response was justified. They think they are justified in bothering you because they are "trying to save you" despite the fact they are clearly shoving you away by being annoying as a nail in your shoe. I've had this a lot, not just because the door knockers hit everybody, but because I'm not "really" Christian by many people's standards. I used to out-debate them, but at this point saying vague things that make them go away, or the "why?" strategy is most effective.

                        I'm sorry those guys suck and have been giving a bad impression to you, and I hope they don't bother you in the future and just leave you in peace.
                        hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                          Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                          I've had situations like this, they usually leave me alone but when they don't, I go fire and brimstone on them. Nothing shuts up an evangelical like telling them they're heretics and heathens and promising to pray for their salvation.


                            Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                            Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                            This is not someone wanting to learn and share their faith with you in an equal exchange of information and ideas, or even to have a constructively critical comparison of religious beliefs, this is someone that wants to bully you for your spirituality.
                            I lived in Pensacola Florida where Liberty Bible College is located. All of their students had to do weekends standing on street corners or going door to door. In part it was to get people to slam doors in their faces or scream at them from their cars. It was a test of their faith and dedication to their beliefs and part of their final exam I think. But you'd see them out there in their coat and ties or walking door to door all the time.

                            Never an equal exchange simply them speaking at you and trying to play you down as a show of their dedication and faith.
                            I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                              Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                              Originally posted by toxicyarnglare View Post
                              I haven't had someone try to convert me since I got out of Christianity, but I firmly have chosen to say "stop trying to manipulate me," if someone does try to convert me.

                              Because I believe it is blatant, unapologetic, manipulation. Many christians preach and hold meetings about how to trick you into getting you to change your mind. It's basically just psychologically hitting all your weak points, getting you to break, and then inviting you to church and all that. I think it's completely disgusting.
                              My best friend is very Christian and she was "Struggling" with my religious choices, because I was "tempting her" away from her God(by occasionally wishing her a happy solstice or the like). She spoke with her peer group at church about it and they gave her all this crazy advice about giving God and Jesus different names, or "historical" names, to convince me that we were really studying the same thing, before BLAM-O hitting me with the christian stick, and then problem solved! no more struggle!
                              She obviously saw the flaws in this concept and has since decided that religious conversations with me are a benefit to her, because it gives her a chance to really consider "Why".
                              I take this approach when I find myself being confronted by other religious poeple who would like to "fix" me. With discussion, and forcing them to listen to my counter points. It strengthens my own beliefs, and I like to believe it strengthens theirs too. Who wouldn't like a bit more reflection, or a different angle to look at their own religion, to strengthen their own belief system?
                              I do what i can to help ^.^


                                Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                                Originally posted by IndigoSkye View Post
                                My best friend is very Christian and she was "Struggling" with my religious choices, because I was "tempting her" away from her God(by occasionally wishing her a happy solstice or the like). She spoke with her peer group at church about it and they gave her all this crazy advice about giving God and Jesus different names, or "historical" names, to convince me that we were really studying the same thing, before BLAM-O hitting me with the christian stick, and then problem solved! no more struggle!
                                She obviously saw the flaws in this concept and has since decided that religious conversations with me are a benefit to her, because it gives her a chance to really consider "Why".
                                I take this approach when I find myself being confronted by other religious poeple who would like to "fix" me. With discussion, and forcing them to listen to my counter points. It strengthens my own beliefs, and I like to believe it strengthens theirs too. Who wouldn't like a bit more reflection, or a different angle to look at their own religion, to strengthen their own belief system?
                                I do what i can to help ^.^
                                I don't mind having an intelligent debate with someone, but when they start saying stuff like "Paganism is from Satan" or "all the other gods and goddesses are from Satan", I don't see much potential for an intelligent debate there.
                                What one believes in is infinitely more important than WHO they believe in.

