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Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

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    Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

    Unfortunately, I have said goodbye to a lot of people over this. Though my community is very open to religious differences, we also have a lot of very Christian people. And while Christianity itself isn't an issue for me, as I was raised Christian and have always had a lot of friends who consider themselves Christian, the close-mindedness that some Christians have is incredibly insulting for me. I had one friend, who told me outright when she found out that I'm Wiccan, that my religion scares her and she doesn't want us to ever talk about it. And while I totally understand how she could be frightened by what she doesn't understand... That isn't an attitude to have with anyone, especially because I spent more time than I could handle listening to her talk about how God was giving her temptation with her boyfriend so that she could overcome it. I'm all for sharing religious thoughts and experiences with people. It's healthy, to be open about spirituality, but when it's so one-sided like that, it's just not okay with me. This same girl is the one who, after we grew apart, went around telling everyone how I practice black magic and am going to hex her. She was a lovely girl.


      Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

      Originally posted by jcaternolo View Post
      I don't mind having an intelligent debate with someone, but when they start saying stuff like "Paganism is from Satan" or "all the other gods and goddesses are from Satan", I don't see much potential for an intelligent debate there.
      What's bad is that was nearly every conversation we had back in the late 70's and early 80's with nearly everyone. I recall being cornered back in 1979 in Scotland in the barracks and being told I needed to get saved and moved to a new room as my roommate was a Satanist. They left tracs on our door and gathered in the common area to say prayers for him. They sort of flipped out when I told them I was a Witch at the time. They had no idea what Shamanism was or what any folk practitioner was and any and all of us were Satanist to them.
      I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


        Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

        Originally posted by Poshi View Post
        Unfortunately, I have said goodbye to a lot of people over this. Though my community is very open to religious differences, we also have a lot of very Christian people. And while Christianity itself isn't an issue for me, as I was raised Christian and have always had a lot of friends who consider themselves Christian, the close-mindedness that some Christians have is incredibly insulting for me. I had one friend, who told me outright when she found out that I'm Wiccan, that my religion scares her and she doesn't want us to ever talk about it. And while I totally understand how she could be frightened by what she doesn't understand... That isn't an attitude to have with anyone, especially because I spent more time than I could handle listening to her talk about how God was giving her temptation with her boyfriend so that she could overcome it. I'm all for sharing religious thoughts and experiences with people. It's healthy, to be open about spirituality, but when it's so one-sided like that, it's just not okay with me. This same girl is the one who, after we grew apart, went around telling everyone how I practice black magic and am going to hex her. She was a lovely girl.
        I've told this tale here before, but you weren't here.....I had a very close female friend once. She was quite a bit younger than me. We met at work and she used to ask me for advice about her boyfriend, etc. I got to know her parents & sister. I went to her wedding, suffered with her when he became abusive, was happy with her when she got divorced, and eventually met a new guy who seemed really nice. They married and moved away. We kept in touch regularly. They had 2 kids, and the tone of our conversations began to change. They had started going to church and were kind of obsessive. She started homeschooling the kids when they were old enough. And one day on the phone she told me that we could no longer be friends because I am, and always have been, pro-choice. I actually thought she was joking.....but she wasn't. I never heard from her again. This episode was far more painful than any romantic breakup, etc., because your friends are supposed to be forever.
        This is why I get so adamant about the "new" breed of Christianity, and about their involvement in political/medical affairs. I never thought for one moment that Jesus would want his followers abandoning their friends. This is something completely different at play.
        Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


          Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

          Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
          I've told this tale here before, but you weren't here.....I had a very close female friend once. She was quite a bit younger than me. We met at work and she used to ask me for advice about her boyfriend, etc. I got to know her parents & sister. I went to her wedding, suffered with her when he became abusive, was happy with her when she got divorced, and eventually met a new guy who seemed really nice. They married and moved away. We kept in touch regularly. They had 2 kids, and the tone of our conversations began to change. They had started going to church and were kind of obsessive. She started homeschooling the kids when they were old enough. And one day on the phone she told me that we could no longer be friends because I am, and always have been, pro-choice. I actually thought she was joking.....but she wasn't. I never heard from her again. This episode was far more painful than any romantic breakup, etc., because your friends are supposed to be forever.
          This is why I get so adamant about the "new" breed of Christianity, and about their involvement in political/medical affairs. I never thought for one moment that Jesus would want his followers abandoning their friends. This is something completely different at play.
          That's.... Horrendously depressing. I'm so sorry she just... Abandoned you as such. That's awful, and I'll spare you quoting the obvious Bible passages that would contradict her actions :P... But that upsets me to. As does the "new" breed of Christianity you speak of.... I'm not sure if that's another topic or not, but yeah.... This is the opposite of a healthy discussion, this is shunning those outside your worldview to keep them from polluting your unquestioning.....

          I'm really sorry they did such things to both of you. You both deserved to be treated better. Clearly.
          hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


            Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

            Originally posted by Malflick View Post
            That's.... Horrendously depressing. I'm so sorry she just... Abandoned you as such. That's awful, and I'll spare you quoting the obvious Bible passages that would contradict her actions :P... But that upsets me to. As does the "new" breed of Christianity you speak of.... I'm not sure if that's another topic or not, but yeah.... This is the opposite of a healthy discussion, this is shunning those outside your worldview to keep them from polluting your unquestioning.....

            I'm really sorry they did such things to both of you. You both deserved to be treated better. Clearly.
            TYVM. We were friends for about 15 years. The split was about 10 years ago. I still feel that maybe someday she will contact me, and I'd take her back with open arms. I miss her! And it's been a test of my own mettle to NOT go totally bonkers on hyper-religious folks.... guess that was the lesson in it for me.

            It's really sad how much of this kind of thing happens.
            Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


              Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

              Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
              I've told this tale here before, but you weren't here.....I had a very close female friend once. She was quite a bit younger than me. We met at work and she used to ask me for advice about her boyfriend, etc. I got to know her parents & sister. I went to her wedding, suffered with her when he became abusive, was happy with her when she got divorced, and eventually met a new guy who seemed really nice. They married and moved away. We kept in touch regularly. They had 2 kids, and the tone of our conversations began to change. They had started going to church and were kind of obsessive. She started homeschooling the kids when they were old enough. And one day on the phone she told me that we could no longer be friends because I am, and always have been, pro-choice. I actually thought she was joking.....but she wasn't. I never heard from her again. This episode was far more painful than any romantic breakup, etc., because your friends are supposed to be forever.
              This is why I get so adamant about the "new" breed of Christianity, and about their involvement in political/medical affairs. I never thought for one moment that Jesus would want his followers abandoning their friends. This is something completely different at play.
              I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. It's incredibly hard to lose a friend, and especially to see them change. I am also in agreement about this "new" Christianity. It's harmful in many ways, and is tearing families and friendships apart in an effort to be closer to God. Although I respect people who are dedicated to their faith, balance is so important and is what's lacking in so many unfortunate situations these days.


                Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                Perhaps I'm crazy, but I actually let a Jehovah's Witness inside my home, once. He was a cheery guy who had a binder clutched to his chest with a little painted cross on it. I feel personally guilty for making someone stand outside when I'm inside, so I let him have a seat in my living room. If you do this, they are genuinely surprised by your actions. In my experience, they're almost like wide-eyed puppies.

                It's always good to brush up on your knowledge of Christianity in areas where there actually are people who want to talk about it. If you impress a Jehovah's witness, they generally don't return because they feel as though you are on the right track. I think it's always nice to have someone leave your home with a smile on their face, rather than a horrified frown. My conscious is very sensitive. I've only tried the bad approach once, and I worried about how I scarred that person for several weeks afterwards.

                Though I must admit, I am attempted to answer their "Have you heard the Word of God today?" with "Yes, as well as the Word of the Goddess. Yourself?" Just to see a reaction xD But we don't get many JW here, so...


                  Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                  I love talking to the jehovah's witnesses myself. My mom is terrified of them and so won't them into the house even when I want to.
                  They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                  Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                  -Madeline Miller, Circe


                    Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                    Originally posted by Corvus View Post
                    I love talking to the jehovah's witnesses myself. My mom is terrified of them and so won't them into the house even when I want to.
                    I live with JW. In fact they are downstairs singing songs right now. They are always super nice to me and very friendly.
                    Satan is my spirit animal


                      Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                      I live with JW. In fact they are downstairs singing songs right now. They are always super nice to me and very friendly.
                      Thats probably cos they're scared of you. :P
                      ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                      I have never been across the way
                      Seen the desert and the birds
                      You cut your hair short
                      Like a shush to an insult
                      The world had been yelling
                      Since the day you were born
                      Revolting with anger
                      While it smiled like it was cute
                      That everything was shit.

                      - J. Wylder


                        Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                        Originally posted by Malflick View Post
                        *pat pat* if you want I can quit respecting your religious differences and start proselytizing to you? I don't have any sermons prepared, but I'm sure I can whip one together!
                        You would do that for me?



                          Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                          Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                          I lived in Pensacola Florida where Liberty Bible College is located. All of their students had to do weekends standing on street corners or going door to door. In part it was to get people to slam doors in their faces or scream at them from their cars. It was a test of their faith and dedication to their beliefs and part of their final exam I think. But you'd see them out there in their coat and ties or walking door to door all the time.

                          Never an equal exchange simply them speaking at you and trying to play you down as a show of their dedication and faith.
                          Ah, yes...I live in Pat Robertson and Regent's back yard. I think that's something to remember--it IS a test of their faith. Having you attack, debate, etc with them is a justification of their beliefs. We are part of their temptation of the material worldly world. I refuse to be dragged into that. I don't have to be part of their ego-massaging.

                          (this, btw, is not a condemnation of all Christians, because not all of them are Westboro Baptist wackos or something like it)
                          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                            Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                            I think it's nice that they have to test their faith. Makes sense to me.
                            ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                            I have never been across the way
                            Seen the desert and the birds
                            You cut your hair short
                            Like a shush to an insult
                            The world had been yelling
                            Since the day you were born
                            Revolting with anger
                            While it smiled like it was cute
                            That everything was shit.

                            - J. Wylder


                              Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                              I should probably note here, that sometimes I do talk to missionaries....but only on my terms. I especially like the Mormon ones. Enough people slam the door in their faces, that I think some hospitality probably goes a long way to ecumenical relations. I don't engage with anyone that comes up to me in a store line or the parking lot, IMO, that's practically assault--I have kids, and I'm busy, I don't appreciate someone cornering me against my open car door and preach-yelling at me with my two small children in the back seat because I have a "Coexist" bumpersticker right next to my "American Women Veterans: Not every GI is a Joe" sticker and the Darwin fish emblem (did you know that their Jesus hates evolution, other faiths AND women that dress up as men and serve their country? *rolls eyes*). But at home, heck yeah, I control my space. I'll let the Mormon boys in their suits on bikes or the nice JW ladies in their big hats in the summer have some lemon aid. That shit takes some fucking dedication! I may not agree with what they believe, but I can admire the strength of that belief. And, it shows them that *we are people too*...and, its a reminder (usually) that they are just people too--not some scary caricature.
                              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                                Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                                I've never experienced this personally. I get the occasional easter or christmas card through the door, but I guess they know better than to proselytize in this neighbourhood. If they did though, I'd like to think I'd be nice to them now, politely explain that I've found my own path and can't be swayed from it.
                                Yikes, all that cultural appropriation that used to be here tho

