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Idea for a game

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    Re: Idea for a game

    Originally posted by Aeran View Post
    That isn't maybe a bit hyperbolic? I don't think his idea is an amazing one, but it's hardly KKK material.
    So reducing the Christian class to healing spells and light and Heathens to: endurance and violence isn't the sort of oversimplification that leads to delusional ideas about who's superior?

    The KKK doesn't kill people anymore. They do protest the right of some groups to walk around and be equal in the world. That's exactly what this promotes, in my opinion.


      Re: Idea for a game

      Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
      real people are a little more touchy about a form of media reducing them to a list of adjectives.
      Real people are stupid. You have a character that trains in a secluded monastery, wears robes, trains in martial arts as a part of his religion as well as self defense, and uses chi and is called a monk... but suddenly it's offensive if you attach the word Buddhist to it. Because monks have been in DnD for quite a while now.

      Unless you think that some religions deserve special treatment.
      Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


        Re: Idea for a game

        Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
        So reducing the Christian class to healing spells and light and Heathens to: endurance and violence isn't the sort of oversimplification that leads to delusional ideas about who's superior?

        The KKK doesn't kill people anymore. They do protest the right of some groups to walk around and be equal in the world. That's exactly what this promotes, in my opinion.
        ...Do you even know what you're talking about anymore? How did you rope the KKK into this? How am I promoting this? It really is astounding that you took something and made it 50 times worse than it actually is. Heathens as you know were a warrior group, and in their beliefs, Valhalla, is where dead warrior heroes go. Ever heard of Vikings? Ever even played an rpg? I have absolutely no idea how you brought up white supremacy but this certainly does not promote that. I have heard Heathen been called Neo Nazi's and white supremacists but this game would clear that up, that extremists would take Heathen belief in order to promote their white supremacy beliefs but real Heathens themselves wouldn't do that. There are black and even Asian heathens out there. The game would also clear up that Wiccans of course don't worship the devil either.

        You really should be ashamed for even bringing up the KKK in the first place and act as if this is promoting it.


          Re: Idea for a game

          Originally posted by Denarius View Post
          Real people are stupid. You have a character that trains in a secluded monastery, wears robes, trains in martial arts as a part of his religion as well as self defense, and uses chi and is called a monk... but suddenly it's offensive if you attach the word Buddhist to it. Because monks have been in DnD for quite a while now.

          Unless you think that some religions deserve special treatment.
          I do think real world people deserve more sensitive treatment than artificial ones, yes. Being a monk is hardly exclusive to one religion. So yes, monk is fine. Priest/Cleric is fine. Priest of Cynric or Sheogorath or the Force is fine. If a Sith is a stereotypical bad guy who cackles evil-like, who cares? Sith aren't real.

          If the bad guy is a Mormon who has nine 12 year old wives and his partner is a Muslim who's banging a goat and they are fighting a Christian with a magical sword of light and his partner, the Wiccan Stevie Nicks? Well, someone is going to get seriously pissed off. Why would anyone take the thousands of hours of effort required to even world build something like this, just to irritate everyone they come in contact with?

          You can spout about how its not offensive all you like...but it will offended people, so its an absolutely stupid idea as far as I'm concerned.

          - - - Updated - - -

          Originally posted by Alienist View Post
          ...Do you even know what you're talking about anymore? How did you rope the KKK into this? How am I promoting this? It really is astounding that you took something and made it 50 times worse than it actually is. Heathens as you know were a warrior group, and in their beliefs, Valhalla, is where dead warrior heroes go. Ever heard of Vikings? Ever even played an rpg? I have absolutely no idea how you brought up white supremacy but this certainly does not promote that. I have heard Heathen been called Neo Nazi's and white supremacists but this game would clear that up, that extremists would take Heathen belief in order to promote their white supremacy beliefs but real Heathens themselves wouldn't do that. There are black and even Asian heathens out there. The game would also clear up that Wiccans of course don't worship the devil either.

          You really should be ashamed for even bringing up the KKK in the first place and act as if this is promoting it.
          You need a history book. You also need to get out of your parent's basement and grow up. "Vikings" and modern day heathens are not the same thing.

          I was playing RPGs before you your born. I know game devs personally. Get over yourself.


            Re: Idea for a game

            Originally posted by Denarius View Post
            Real people are stupid. You have a character that trains in a secluded monastery, wears robes, trains in martial arts as a part of his religion as well as self defense, and uses chi and is called a monk... but suddenly it's offensive if you attach the word Buddhist to it. Because monks have been in DnD for quite a while now.

            Unless you think that some religions deserve special treatment.
            That's what I was thinking, too. A lot of people just say "That's offensive" without even thinking about what they are saying. It's not offensive because if anything the game would educate others who are intolerant or untrustworthy of others. Educating would help because as well all know, intolerance comes from ignorance. I know some that were intolerant of Muslims but once they stopped listening to libel and propaganda of what Muslims are and actually read the Quran and met some of these people, they'd realize that they weren't so bad. If showing other people beliefs and educating them is "offensive" than that person who's offended needs to grow a thicker skin.


              Re: Idea for a game

              Originally posted by Alienist View Post
              That's what I was thinking, too. A lot of people just say "That's offensive" without even thinking about what they are saying. It's not offensive because if anything the game would educate others who are intolerant or untrustworthy of others. Educating would help because as well all know, intolerance comes from ignorance. I know some that were intolerant of Muslims but once they stopped listening to libel and propaganda of what Muslims are and actually read the Quran and met some of these people, they'd realize that they weren't so bad. If showing other people beliefs and educating them is "offensive" than that person who's offended needs to grow a thicker skin.
              Yeah, how dare someone get offended by a dumb generalization of their entire culture? Wimps.

              How about this, you build this world and pitch it to a developer. Let's just see how that goes.

              In the end? You asked for opinions. I gave you one as an avid player in video game RPGs. If you don't like it, ignore it. But I promise that in the big scheme of things, I'm actually hard to offend and permissive. You have no idea how badly this would really be received. But hey, some people have to touch the flames before they figure out that fire is hot, because they just can't take someone's word for it.


                Re: Idea for a game

                Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
                Why would anyone take the thousands of hours of effort required to even world build something like this, just to irritate everyone they come in contact with?
                That's why I suggested a DnD module, I've made those over long weekends. Then all you have is character classes called things like "Christian" or "Jedi" who have a collection of abilities and rules. If the characters are offensive, that is entirely the fault of the people playing it.

                Even if it was a game that had stereotypical representations of religions, so the hell what? In the US we have a thing called freedom of speech. Look it up.

                Have you seen Borat? I rest my case.
                Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


                  Re: Idea for a game

                  Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
                  I do think real world people deserve more sensitive treatment than artificial ones, yes. Being a monk is hardly exclusive to one religion. So yes, monk is fine. Priest/Cleric is fine. Priest of Cynric or Sheogorath or the Force is fine. If a Sith is a stereotypical bad guy who cackles evil-like, who cares? Sith aren't real.

                  If the bad guy is a Mormon who has nine 12 year old wives and his partner is a Muslim who's banging a goat and they are fighting a Christian with a magical sword of light and his partner, the Wiccan Stevie Nicks? Well, someone is going to get seriously pissed off. Why would anyone take the thousands of hours of effort required to even world build something like this, just to irritate everyone they come in contact with?

                  You can spout about how its not offensive all you like...but it will offended people, so its an absolutely stupid idea as far as I'm concerned.

                  - - - Updated - - -

                  You need a history book. You also need to get out of your parent's basement and grow up. "Vikings" and modern day heathens are not the same thing.

                  I was playing RPGs before you your born. I know game devs personally. Get over yourself.
                  Such a cop out. You say I need a history book and you don't even attempt to defend your argument or stance but rather you resort to saying. "Well you need to educate yourself and stuff and stop being stupid." Also I never said Vikings and modern day heathen are the same so don't put words in my mouth. Heathens have taken Viking beliefs but I never said they were the same. If anything you should get over yourself and stop exaggerating in your posts. Also I recommend posting somewhere else since you obviously disagree. Otherwise you're just going to end up rage quitting and throwing a hissy fit like before.

                  Also I couldn't care less if it WILL offend others. You know why? Because anyone talking about anything about religion will offend someone. You're not going to please everybody anyway. That's not the point. Stupid people will always say stupid things anyway. It doesn't matter. I don't stop doing something just because it might or might not offend someone.


                    Re: Idea for a game

                    People, rein in your tempers or I will. This is the only warning this thread gets.
                    Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                    Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                    "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                    John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                    "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                    Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                      Re: Idea for a game

                      Originally posted by Denarius View Post
                      That's why I suggested a DnD module, I've made those over long weekends. Then all you have is character classes called things like "Christian" or "Jedi" who have a collection of abilities and rules. If the characters are offensive, that is entirely the fault of the people playing it.

                      Even if it was a game that had stereotypical representations of religions, so the hell what? In the US we have a thing called freedom of speech. Look it up.

                      Have you seen Borat? I rest my case.
                      I didn't say it was illegal. I said it was dumb. Borat is dumb too, in my opinion.

                      If someone wants to be offensive, they have the right to be so. I also have the right to tell them its offensive and encourage others to not participate.


                        Re: Idea for a game

                        Masked beat me to it. Nevermind.

                        Mostly art.


                          Re: Idea for a game

                          Originally posted by Alienist View Post
                          Such a cop out. You say I need a history book and you don't even attempt to defend your argument or stance but rather you resort to saying. "Well you need to educate yourself and stuff and stop being stupid." Also I never said Vikings and modern day heathen are the same so don't put words in my mouth. Heathens have taken Viking beliefs but I never said they were the same. If anything you should get over yourself and stop exaggerating in your posts. Also I recommend posting somewhere else since you obviously disagree. Otherwise you're just going to end up rage quitting and throwing a hissy fit like before.

                          Also I couldn't care less if it WILL offend others. You know why? Because anyone talking about anything about religion will offend someone. You're not going to please everybody anyway. That's not the point. Stupid people will always say stupid things anyway. It doesn't matter. I don't stop doing something just because it might or might not offend someone.
                          Thank you for so effectively making my point.

                          If you don't care if you offend people, why are you asking for opinions? Go learn some computer code and get to work. Best of luck. Hope you have a trust fund.


                            Re: Idea for a game

                            This is an idea for a game, not for a video game specifically but I would prefer it to be a video game.

                            The party could encounter realistic or fictional threats. Anything from opposing vampires to extremists or cults. I believe the party would dislike each other but would like each other as time progresses. One can even help perform exorcists to get rid of ghosts or briefly enter into their realm to contact their deities, whether it's in Heaven, The Summerland, ect. Obtaining magical scripts like the Kabbalah could be useful in their quests as well. I'm all for ideas really.

                            Do you know in World of Warcraft, when you die, you go into the spirit realm. Wouldn't it be cool if that you died in this game, you could explore your own realm depending on your faith?


                              Re: Idea for a game

                              I have to be honest - it doesn't sound like it would make a good game, but it also doesn't sound like it would necessarily be any more offensive than anything being done in the various urban fantasy style games and novels (dresden files, the Mage games from White Wolf, etc) which use real world spiritual systems as an inspiration for their characters.

                              Hell, what he's describing is pretty close to being the original Mage game from white wolf, sans the consensus reality and technology v. magic theme. A bunch of practitioners from different belief systems (mage had one faction which mashed all of the neopagan groups into an amorphous blob, another which did the same for all the eastern philosophies, another for the shamanic cultures, etc. They didn't even bother to accurately transcribe their beliefs and practices) fighting against some generic evil dudes who want to do evil stuff because they're evil.


                                Re: Idea for a game

                                Originally posted by Aeran View Post
                                I have to be honest - it doesn't sound like it would make a good game, but it also doesn't sound like it would necessarily be any more offensive than anything being done in the various urban fantasy style games and novels (dresden files, the Mage games from White Wolf, etc) which use real world spiritual systems as an inspiration for their characters.

                                Hell, what he's describing is pretty close to being the original Mage game from white wolf, sans the consensus reality and technology v. magic theme. A bunch of practitioners from different belief systems (mage had one faction which mashed all of the neopagan groups into an amorphous blob, another which did the same for all the eastern philosophies, another for the shamanic cultures, etc. They didn't even bother to accurately transcribe their beliefs and practices) fighting against some generic evil dudes who want to do evil stuff because they're evil.
                                Pretty much this.

                                NWoD still gleefully abuses stereotypes, just more often in the other lines while Mage goes with the Atlantean theme. How well it'd work is open to debate but a number of popular game lines have gleefully abused religious stereotypes.
                                Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                                Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                                "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                                John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                                "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                                Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis

