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Idea for a game

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    Idea for a game

    I was wondering if anyone was into games particularly RPG games. Because I know there have been religious games like Christian games but that's about it. I always wanted to play a game where you can play any faith. Here's the synopsis.

    The game would start with a few chosen people, called by their deities, to stop an evil cult (It doesn't really name the cult of a specific religion, just a cult that does malevolent things, like rape, child sacrifice ect.) from taking over the world. The deities choose these religious people and give them the mean necessary of unlocking their power and saving the Earth.

    The party would consist of a Druid, Christian, Shintoist, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, Wiccan, Kemetic, Heathen, Hellenic, Zoroastrian, Sikh and Taoist. They are brought together to fight this cult all while trying to deal with their differences. For example, the Jew might feel resentment towards Christians and others for the Jewish Diaspora and being exiled and treated harshly for many years or the Zoroastrian might feel harsh towards the Muslim due to his people either being killed or forced converted to Islam. But I think this game could be educational because as time progresses, they learn more of each other and find out much of what they used to hear about each other was misinterpreted, or twisted through propaganda and that extremists within their religion were to blame, not the people who practiced it or the religion itself.

    The game could have each person using magic of their brand, i.e. Jewish Kaballah magic or Wiccan magic and each one can have unique traits with the Christian having more healing and protection spells while the Heathen uses more power and endurance spells. They could also use amulets such as the Star of Solomon to boost wisdom or a cross to ward of and protect. These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg however and wondered how any would react to this.

    Re: Idea for a game

    This potential game should just be called "Offensive Stereotypes" and get it out of the way.

    Because no.


      Re: Idea for a game

      Originally posted by Rowanwood View Post
      This potential game should just be called "Offensive Stereotypes" and get it out of the way.

      Because no.
      I second that.
      *bangs gavel.

      The nays have it.
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: Idea for a game

        As was said, it seems a bit stereotypical and offensive.

        Feel free to make it if you have such skills, just dont expect ratings to pour in.
        White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
        In Days of yore,
        From Britain's shore
        Wolfe the dauntless hero came
        And planted firm Britannia's flag
        On Canada's fair domain.
        Here may it wave,
        Our boast, our pride
        And joined in love together,
        The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
        The Maple Leaf Forever.


          Re: Idea for a game

          That's what I figured. I don't see anyone calling the Christian games "offensive" so why is this different? How is it stereotypical? What stereotype am I pointing out? Is pointing out actual religious things and historical eras stereotypical? Do any of you actually know what you're talking about? This is what bothers me is that the moment you do or mention anything about any religion, race or whatever, there is always someone out there that wants to say "That's offensive" whether it actually is offensive or not. "That's offensive, even though I'm not going to explain why it is lolz" is mostly the replies I see. Not exactly sure how educating people about other people's beliefs is offensive...could anyone actually elaborate?


            Re: Idea for a game

            Originally posted by Alienist View Post
            That's what I figured.
            Than please don't waste everybody's time by sharing it.
            Originally posted by Alienist View Post
            I don't see anyone calling the Christian games "offensive" so why is this different?
            So I'm assuming you've seen all of the discussions on every Christian game ever? No. So don't act like nobody has ever called a Christian game offensive, because they have. Do your research please.
            Originally posted by Alienist View Post
            How is it stereotypical?
            Acting like all of these groups have archetypal opinions of one another, and that everybody in these groups adheres to one view of the world. Saying that the Jews would be angry with the Christians, the Zeroastrians angry towards the muslims etc. I can tell you are missing the definition of stereotype so I'll oblige you with it.

            "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing."

            Oversimplifying these massive groups into one bottlenecked ideal is you stereotyping, I'm sure you have the intellect to see that.

            Originally posted by Alienist View Post
            This is what bothers me is that the moment you do or mention anything about any religion, race or whatever, there is always someone out there that wants to say "That's offensive" whether it actually is offensive or not.
            You may have by an accident logged into PF instead of facebook, but let me remind you that you are on a faith/religion based forum. And you can't expect everybody to agree with you. I don't want to sound like your kindergarten teacher but everybody has their opinions. If you share something on this forum, expect criticisms.

            That's all.
            White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
            In Days of yore,
            From Britain's shore
            Wolfe the dauntless hero came
            And planted firm Britannia's flag
            On Canada's fair domain.
            Here may it wave,
            Our boast, our pride
            And joined in love together,
            The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
            The Maple Leaf Forever.


              Re: Idea for a game

              Game built around faith based magic users? I'm amused.

              Game where faith based magic users may have to work together against cultists attempting to summon Lovecraftian horrors? Still amused.

              Using game to explore contraversy between different faith groups while fighting Lovecraftian horrors? Varying between take it or leave it and bored.

              Could it be accomplished? Sure, White Wolf takes great joy in abusing certain stereotypes with various game lines and the games come out well and make a decent amount of money. Here's the thing though, the religious strife can't be the focus. It can add to the setting if used right but if you focus on it too much, then nope, bored and leaving.
              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                Re: Idea for a game

                I'm not completely adverse to a game that explores the world's religions... But, I would see it more along the lines of an undecided character exploring the many aspects of different religions and cultures while in the pursuit of some ultimate good vs evil goal or some such (because, as a game, you have to have an ultimate good and ultimate evil, right?) and trying to lead the player into seeing that none of the worlds faiths are particularly good or evil in and of themselves. Basically, creating a game that would be interesting and informative in an effort of overcome stereotypes.

                How this would work when it comes to the details? Not sure. Maybe zombie apocalypse, vampire/demon war, some such (because I'm a bit of a gamer and that's where my thoughts go) with your character travelling around the world trying to find a spiritual cure, fighting off said beasts, and in the process they meet various religious practitioners and study different belief systems and how those belief systems approach the problem. It's a game, it's wouldn't have to be entirely realistic, or even remotely, in order to be informative. Oh, and in the end discovering that it takes a blend of all people's knowledge to finally take out the big bad evil. Definitely not perfect, but it was the first thing that came to mind.

                But I wouldn't be against something like that.
                We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

                I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
                It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
                Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
                -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

                Service to your fellows is the root of peace.


                  Re: Idea for a game

                  Are 'christian games' really a thing?


                    Re: Idea for a game

                    At some point the majority of us is right. You realize this. We can't always be all wrong when it comes to you.
                    Satan is my spirit animal


                      Re: Idea for a game

                      Originally posted by Doc_Holliday View Post
                      Than please don't waste everybody's time by sharing it.

                      So I'm assuming you've seen all of the discussions on every Christian game ever? No. So don't act like nobody has ever called a Christian game offensive, because they have. Do your research please.

                      Acting like all of these groups have archetypal opinions of one another, and that everybody in these groups adheres to one view of the world. Saying that the Jews would be angry with the Christians, the Zeroastrians angry towards the muslims etc. I can tell you are missing the definition of stereotype so I'll oblige you with it.

                      "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing."

                      Oversimplifying these massive groups into one bottlenecked ideal is you stereotyping, I'm sure you have the intellect to see that.

                      You may have by an accident logged into PF instead of facebook, but let me remind you that you are on a faith/religion based forum. And you can't expect everybody to agree with you. I don't want to sound like your kindergarten teacher but everybody has their opinions. If you share something on this forum, expect criticisms.

                      That's all.
                      I'm assuming you didn't actually comprehend my message so I'll make it simpler for you.

                      You might want to know what a stereotype is first. Also Jews and Christians as well as Zoroastrians and Muslims have had conflict in the past for a long time. Do you honestly believe that still aren't some Jews even today that show resentment to Christians or Christians showing some resentment for their Lord being killed by the Jews? Or that Zoroastrians might be a little untrustworthy due to most of their people being killed, enslaved and forced converted to Islam and most of the Zoroastrians, being in Iran moved somewhere else to avoid persecution. Even some Wiccans and Christians have a little conflict with some Christians insisting Wiccans do devil worship. That's not being stereotypical. If anything it's accurate. This is something that HAS happened and there is STILL conflict, and yet you insist it's a stereotype?

                      I hate it when people throw that word around and almost all the time, they don't even know what the word means. Like the same people that throw the word "racist" around even if it's not racist at all. Like if I made fun of Jews and Muslims I'd be a racist even though Jews and Muslims are not a "race".


                        Re: Idea for a game

                        Originally posted by Alienist View Post
                        I'm assuming you didn't actually comprehend my message so I'll make it simpler for you.

                        You might want to know what a stereotype is first. Also Jews and Christians as well as Zoroastrians and Muslims have had conflict in the past for a long time. Do you honestly believe that still aren't some Jews even today that show resentment to Christians or Christians showing some resentment for their Lord being killed by the Jews? Or that Zoroastrians might be a little untrustworthy due to most of their people being killed, enslaved and forced converted to Islam and most of the Zoroastrians, being in Iran moved somewhere else to avoid persecution. Even some Wiccans and Christians have a little conflict with some Christians insisting Wiccans do devil worship. That's not being stereotypical. If anything it's accurate. This is something that HAS happened and there is STILL conflict, and yet you insist it's a stereotype?

                        I hate it when people throw that word around and almost all the time, they don't even know what the word means. Like the same people that throw the word "racist" around even if it's not racist at all. Like if I made fun of Jews and Muslims I'd be a racist even though Jews and Muslims are not a "race".
                        Oh you didn't.

                        You need to stop before you choke to death on your foot.


                          Re: Idea for a game

                          It could work in terms of a DnD module with homebrewed character classes. A little too complicated to be a video game, a little too simple to be a table top rpg in and of itself.

                          You'd need further diversification within classes though, otherwise it'd feel kind of samey and be difficult to balance for varying group sizes. So you could have the Christian be able to specialize in say faith healing, holy warrior/templar, or inquisitor. Each filling different combat and story roles.

                          Assuming you're not going for the typical dwarves and elves approach to races you could always go with lore based races from the religions/cultures in question. Like half demons/angels, kitsune, changeling, ghosts, or whatever. OR just ignore races and have everyone be humans, that works too.

                          I think it's also unfair to say that the game is stereotypical, that's just how rpgs work. You simplify things into archetypes, and allow people to do what they want with those archetypes. If you guys are talking about the group interactions Alienist was talking about, that's dumb because it's prefaced with "for example" and "might."

                          That could easily be examples for how the people playing the game could role play their characters, even if they were set characters within a narrative that could still be handled appropriately. Especially seeing as how the characters are supposed to evolve over time.

                          Of course if this was a table top rpg, some people will make their characters into stereotypes. Like giving their Jew character a big nose, claws, and having him be a money grubber. But hey, that's the price of freedom. Idiots are allowed to be idiotic.
                          Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


                            Re: Idea for a game

                            Originally posted by Denarius View Post

                            I think it's also unfair to say that the game is stereotypical, that's just how rpgs work. You simplify things into archetypes, and allow people to do what they want with those archetypes. If you guys are talking about the group interactions Alienist was talking about, that's dumb because it's prefaced with "for example" and "might."

                            That could easily be examples for how the people playing the game could role play their characters, even if they were set characters within a narrative that could still be handled appropriately. Especially seeing as how the characters are supposed to evolve over time.

                            Of course if this was a table top rpg, some people will make their characters into stereotypes. Like giving their Jew character a big nose, claws, and having him be a money grubber. But hey, that's the price of freedom. Idiots are allowed to be idiotic.

                            If you are equating being a stereotypical elf with a stereotypical real world religious practitioner, I think you better be careful where you walk around. Elves are unlikely to attack you, but well....real people are a little more touchy about a form of media reducing them to a list of adjectives.

                            There's a reason fantasy and scifi use artificial people and religions to tackle hard stories. If they didn't there is no way they could function. We can learn a lot of things from challenging preconceived notions via fantasy, but trying to use real world groups is just asking for it.

                            Granted, most people have no idea how hard it is to even come up with usable rules for a pen/paper game, and a video game is not only harder but extremely expensive, so this discussion is moot. No one would ever monetarily back such a venture except maybe the KKK.


                              Re: Idea for a game

                              No one would ever monetarily back such a venture except maybe the KKK.
                              That isn't maybe a bit hyperbolic? I don't think his idea is an amazing one, but it's hardly KKK material.

