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    Rude people make me want to slap things. Just saying.
    It's a really, really cool thing, to be able to show people that you can be yourself, and you should be proud of yourself, and you should own who you are and what you're about, and never make apologies for it.
    -Adam Lambert

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools



      I am so sick of leaving my clean house for only a few hours and coming back to find it looking like a disaster area. I don't understand how my ADULT siblings can destroy the kitchen so thoroughly during the course of only one meal. When I make breakfast I only use a few dishes which immediately go in the dishwasher when I'm done, put any trash in the trashcan then sit down to eat. No mess, no fuss. You don't need three frying pans, four forks and an entire roll of paper towels to make bacon and eggs. You can easily make them without breaking raw egg all over the counter and then LEAVING IT THERE along with all your dishes and trash. Most importantly when you're done the dishwasher and trashcan and cleaning rag are RIGHT THERE NEXT TO THE PREP AREA. CLEAN IT UP.

      They think they're exempt from cleaning because they have jobs. Surprise, surprise, EVERYBODY in the household works full time. I'm the assistant manager of two stores in my franchise and I do most of the housework during the day. The rest is done by my parents who work more than everybody.

      I'm so out of here my next pay check. This is more than I can stand and I don't know how my parents have put up with it for so long.


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        I have come across three separate people who wore an ankh, thinking it was a cross. It KILLS me.


          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          Originally posted by Raphaeline View Post
          I have come across three separate people who wore an ankh, thinking it was a cross. It KILLS me.
          One time a friend gave me what I can only describe as a "Cronkh". It was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. I still don't know if they knew that the object didn't know what it was. It was a confusing object. It still confuses me.
          hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

            My house is a wreck, but I'm too tired to care. We start our day at 0355 (the kids at 0430)...its no wonder Collin is cranky at school (which doesn't start til 0920 and ends at 1550). I have a love-hate relationship with the new job. I love the money, the job is usually okay, I just hate that I miss out on doing stuff with the kids more, and that we pretty much go to bed at 8 pm, and I also hate that I love that I have time away from the kids... I also hate homework--kids shouldn't have homework til the 4th grade. And I hate the fact that I don't have enough energy to clean my house. Especially since we leave the house at 0500 and don't get back until 1730-1800.

            Weekend, get here faster.

            Also, I hope we get paid for the furlough soon...the gov't shutdown cost us about 1/3 of our income the last payday. I have bills that need to be the bill so #2 can have dental surgery at the end of the month.
            Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              *Taking a moment to breathe* Remember....If the world didn't suck....we'd all fall off.


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                ....have to hang up the laundry....and I don't feel like it!! At all!! -_-'


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  Really?? REALLY?? I've been working for you less than a month. I'm not going to lie. I enjoy the extra hours as I'm the only one in my house working between my husband and myself. But not gunna lie. The taking advantage of me already multiple times is REALLY not earning you guys any points and is starting to piss me off.

                  First you decide you're only going to schedule me 12 hours a week. Consistently. Fine, whatever. We can make it work, and I'll look for a second job.

                  Oh? Someone called off.....again.....and you need me to work their shift....again. Fine, whatever. We need the money.

                  Okay, last night. I'm scheduled for 4pm-8pm. Wait. Why is someone else getting cut who didn't get in til 5 and they're leaving? Whatever. I'll deal with it.
                  Oh look....part of the football team and part of the band is coming in. Wait. You're throwing me back there BY MYSELF to handle ALL of it? And none of you are helping me.....thanks.?
        's midnight. Why is someone ELSE leaving who didn't get in until 630 leaving?? Whatever. I'll deal with it.
                  TWO AM ROLLS AROUND....Seriously guys, I NEED TO GO HOME. I've gotta be back at 9am!!
                  Finally get to leave....pass out in serious pain from my back. Didn't get to eat at all yesterday and I feel seriously dehydrated.

                  Walk into work 9am.....
                  Manager walks's already busy....uh oh....
                  "Hey....I need a favor.....Will you work tonight? We need extra servers after the way last night was"
                  Oh after the way last night was?? No shit sherlock. I never would've guessed that in a million years. ".......I hate you. What time do you need me in"
                  Get ready for shift....Oh....there was a breast cancer walk? You need a party of HOW many?? need one too???/
                  (6 parties all ranging from 10-16 in total on top of typical Saturday morning rush)
                  Wait....didn't you know this was going on???? Why don't we have an extra host/cashier and why am I doing this all by myself???? Why don't we have more cooks scheduled so we're not having this problem????????

                  FINALLY off work.

                  Love you guys. You're the only people who don't piss me off on a regular basis and take advantage of me. Well.....except maybe Masked using my soul for pizza. But I'll let that slide.... (if you see this, may I request you NOT take any for a while, it needs to recover)


                  Fuck this shit. I'm going to bed and getting a nap before my shift in 3 hours.
                  Always taking art commissions, especially for fantasy and pagan related artwork
                  Featured on Deviantart, Storenvy, Facebook, and Cafepress


                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    Originally posted by Yorin View Post
                    Really?? REALLY?? I've been working for you less than a month. I'm not going to lie. I enjoy the extra hours as I'm the only one in my house working between my husband and myself. But not gunna lie. The taking advantage of me already multiple times is REALLY not earning you guys any points and is starting to piss me off.

                    First you decide you're only going to schedule me 12 hours a week. Consistently. Fine, whatever. We can make it work, and I'll look for a second job.

                    Oh? Someone called off.....again.....and you need me to work their shift....again. Fine, whatever. We need the money.

                    Okay, last night. I'm scheduled for 4pm-8pm. Wait. Why is someone else getting cut who didn't get in til 5 and they're leaving? Whatever. I'll deal with it.
                    Oh look....part of the football team and part of the band is coming in. Wait. You're throwing me back there BY MYSELF to handle ALL of it? And none of you are helping me.....thanks.?
          's midnight. Why is someone ELSE leaving who didn't get in until 630 leaving?? Whatever. I'll deal with it.
                    TWO AM ROLLS AROUND....Seriously guys, I NEED TO GO HOME. I've gotta be back at 9am!!
                    Finally get to leave....pass out in serious pain from my back. Didn't get to eat at all yesterday and I feel seriously dehydrated.

                    Walk into work 9am.....
                    Manager walks's already busy....uh oh....
                    "Hey....I need a favor.....Will you work tonight? We need extra servers after the way last night was"
                    Oh after the way last night was?? No shit sherlock. I never would've guessed that in a million years. ".......I hate you. What time do you need me in"
                    Get ready for shift....Oh....there was a breast cancer walk? You need a party of HOW many?? need one too???/
                    (6 parties all ranging from 10-16 in total on top of typical Saturday morning rush)
                    Wait....didn't you know this was going on???? Why don't we have an extra host/cashier and why am I doing this all by myself???? Why don't we have more cooks scheduled so we're not having this problem????????

                    FINALLY off work.

                    Love you guys. You're the only people who don't piss me off on a regular basis and take advantage of me. Well.....except maybe Masked using my soul for pizza. But I'll let that slide.... (if you see this, may I request you NOT take any for a while, it needs to recover)


                    Fuck this shit. I'm going to bed and getting a nap before my shift in 3 hours.
                    -_- oh man. I'm sorry you're having a rough time Yorin!! These moronic morons should learn how to run a business before opening one. Just sayin'


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      Originally posted by Yorin View Post
                      Really?? REALLY?? I've been working for you less than a month. I'm not going to lie. I enjoy the extra hours as I'm the only one in my house working between my husband and myself. But not gunna lie. The taking advantage of me already multiple times is REALLY not earning you guys any points and is starting to piss me off.

                      First you decide you're only going to schedule me 12 hours a week. Consistently. Fine, whatever. We can make it work, and I'll look for a second job.

                      Oh? Someone called off.....again.....and you need me to work their shift....again. Fine, whatever. We need the money.

                      Okay, last night. I'm scheduled for 4pm-8pm. Wait. Why is someone else getting cut who didn't get in til 5 and they're leaving? Whatever. I'll deal with it.
                      Oh look....part of the football team and part of the band is coming in. Wait. You're throwing me back there BY MYSELF to handle ALL of it? And none of you are helping me.....thanks.?
            's midnight. Why is someone ELSE leaving who didn't get in until 630 leaving?? Whatever. I'll deal with it.
                      TWO AM ROLLS AROUND....Seriously guys, I NEED TO GO HOME. I've gotta be back at 9am!!
                      Finally get to leave....pass out in serious pain from my back. Didn't get to eat at all yesterday and I feel seriously dehydrated.

                      Walk into work 9am.....
                      Manager walks's already busy....uh oh....
                      "Hey....I need a favor.....Will you work tonight? We need extra servers after the way last night was"
                      Oh after the way last night was?? No shit sherlock. I never would've guessed that in a million years. ".......I hate you. What time do you need me in"
                      Get ready for shift....Oh....there was a breast cancer walk? You need a party of HOW many?? need one too???/
                      (6 parties all ranging from 10-16 in total on top of typical Saturday morning rush)
                      Wait....didn't you know this was going on???? Why don't we have an extra host/cashier and why am I doing this all by myself???? Why don't we have more cooks scheduled so we're not having this problem????????

                      FINALLY off work.

                      Love you guys. You're the only people who don't piss me off on a regular basis and take advantage of me. Well.....except maybe Masked using my soul for pizza. But I'll let that slide.... (if you see this, may I request you NOT take any for a while, it needs to recover)


                      Fuck this shit. I'm going to bed and getting a nap before my shift in 3 hours.
                      Oh hey I've been there, and was forced to stick it out for a year and a half because not everyone has the luxury of outright quitting (which I would have done in a heartbeat if I could have afforded to). Just make sure you take the time to take care of yourself physically and mentally (easier said than done, right?), and start to polish up your resume with your new skills you're getting at this place in the meantime...


                        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                        Originally posted by Yorin View Post

                        Love you guys. You're the only people who don't piss me off on a regular basis and take advantage of me. Well.....except maybe Masked using my soul for pizza. But I'll let that slide.... (if you see this, may I request you NOT take any for a while, it needs to recover)


                        Fuck this shit. I'm going to bed and getting a nap before my shift in 3 hours.
                        Your soul was last week. It isn't on the schedule again till mid November. Not making promises on bouts of whimsy but you aren't scheduled for harvest again for at least three weeks.
                        Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                        Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                        "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                        John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                        "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                        Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          And this is why I love you guys lol. Thanks Masked lol.

                          Oh and you guys will love this....On top of the normal Denny's Saturday rush and the Cancer walk... we had a car wash fundraiser in the parking lot!! -____-

                          And I got volunteered to come in and work a double again TOMORROW so they have a cashier and a hostess instead of just a hostess running the cash register and seating they did to me this morning -____-. *sigh* at least the morning will be at minimum wage instead of server wages. ($7.88 vs $4.77)
                          Always taking art commissions, especially for fantasy and pagan related artwork
                          Featured on Deviantart, Storenvy, Facebook, and Cafepress


                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            I need vacation. I want to curl in bed and sleep for days but neither society nor my body's biology will allow this
                            They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                            Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                            -Madeline Miller, Circe


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                              Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                              I ate King Taco asada tacos last night with my friend Sarah. I got home and went to bed. Around 1am I woke up and started vomiting. Violently. Like all the tacos and hot sauce came up. Then I threw up just dry heaving. My sides are killing me. There must have been something in the hot sauce. Something I'm always allergic to but have no idea what it is. It's extremely difficult being a Mexican and allergic to some hot sauces. I have no idea what it is. Some do fine. Some make me horribly ill. I thought it was tomatillos. But it must be something else. How does a Mexican live in a world where they aren't sure if the next taco is gonna kill them?!!!!
                              its not shrimp paste is it? I know it's in a lot of sambals.
                              ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                              I have never been across the way
                              Seen the desert and the birds
                              You cut your hair short
                              Like a shush to an insult
                              The world had been yelling
                              Since the day you were born
                              Revolting with anger
                              While it smiled like it was cute
                              That everything was shit.

                              - J. Wylder


                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                I don't need a rant, typing isn't doing it anymore. I just want to repeatedly walk up against a wall... -_- *faceplants onto table*

                                - - - Updated - - -

                                going to effing sleep instead...

