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Whatcha thinking about now?

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  • Hawkfeathers
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    Morons are driving in the still-full creek bed and moving traffic cones off the damaged bridges & driving through. All the wrong people get hurt in these disasters! Anyway I'm impressed by the amount of people actually helping. I went to put some stuff in the Little Free Pantry yesterday and it was fuller than I've ever seen - I had to use my ninja packing skills to fit things in there. There are Convoy of Hope trucks around, and since school's cancelled, the high school kids are all cleaning up the campus, etc.

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  • Hawkfeathers
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    I'm fine, house is fine. Town is a mess, roads & bridges out, etc. Lots of damage. Of course there were people out driving being idiots. Power was out for about 2 hours last night, phones still down. My Verizon network on my cell is ok.

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  • anunitu
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    I had seen that there is flooding up there in the Ozarks. Stay safe.

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  • Hawkfeathers
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    Thank all the powers that be that I chose a house on the high side of the street. It's freakin' pouring here. The back yards across the street, on the low side, are more flooded than I've ever seen them. My gutters are overflowing, which isn't good, but so far casa Hawk is hanging in there.

    Oh and anyone have experience or knowledge of Chevy Sonic LT's? There's one for sale in the neighborhood and I'm a little interested. It's a 2012 with 8 or 9K miles on it.

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  • B. de Corbin
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    So...Las Vegas vacation in September.

    Going to try some quirky things this time.

    Here we go again.....
    Free food!

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  • Medusa
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    So...Las Vegas vacation in September.

    Going to try some quirky things this time.

    Here we go again.....

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  • Hawkfeathers
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    Two people on my facebook friends list are on vacation in the same place. They don't know each other in any way. This happened once before - it's funny, and a bit confusing! The last time, one posted pics from a restaurant, and a couple hours later, the other posted from the same spot.

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  • Jembru
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    Doubt anyone was wondering but going to update you on the situation with my former psychic development teacher...

    So, I decided not to wait for my colleague to get her address or number for me. Instead, I would try to contact her through a 3rd party. One of the local Spiritualist churches has a fb page so I messaged them. I'm so glad I did. It wasn't the best news though. My former teacher is still alive, and will soon celebrate her 90th birthday! However, she is in the later stages of alzheimer's and when lucid can only recall her childhood. She wouldn't know me even if I did contact her.

    It's very sad and goes to show that life is too short. It's okay to make mistakes. We're creatures of nature and nature can be wondrous, beautiful, awe-inspiring, but also destructive, callous and even cruel. Accepting your shadow doesn't give you a free pass to be an a**hole though. At some point, I think we need to accept blame and apologise for any harm we might have caused. The sooner we can reach this stage the better because the cycle of life and death, that spiral dance of time, waits for no one.

    My teacher will never know I'm sorry. She invested her time and energy in me, because she thought I was destined for greatness. Instead I slammed the door on her and have been far from great in my life since. I betrayed her trust and I'm too late to tell her how it felt in those moments, why running away made sense to me at the time and attempt to heal the past.

    The lady who replied to my message has offered to help me to make peace with all of this and I'm going to take her up on her offer. I never intended to step foot in a Spiritualist church again, but hey, sometimes life pulls you in strange directions. This is something I definitely need to do. I am holding guilt about other things (what can I say, I have a hidden mean streak, or at the very least a selfish side), maybe I can work through everything with her help.

    Most of the people I've crossed (usually by what I didn't do, more than what I did) are impossible to contact and/or would not welcome contact from me, but I really am sorry, and will do what I can to make up for my selfishness.

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  • Hawkfeathers
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    I love the pizza cutter! I want one of those that looks like the Enterprise.

    No sign of Mr. Raccoon having been back overnight or anything. Laws are a little different about varmints here in the Ozarks LOL As long as they stay out of my house I'm OK with them passing by!

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  • anubisa
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    My nephew is gone. We had a hard time with him yesterday. He stayed over last night. Though I love him as usual, my fur son gets upset (jealous) when he isn't paid attention to. Lot's of barking and such. So glad he's gone, took a lot out of me. Getting older and I'm just getting more tired. Can't wait to see him on Tuesday though.

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  • Medusa
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    MO would approve of my golden pizza cutter I got in the mail from Domino's
    (yes, it's not the best pizza. But it's carb friendly when I get the thin crust)
    P4230009 (1280x960).jpg

    I'm officially a very important pizza person:^^:

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  • anunitu
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    I remember having an Opossum in the back yard when I lived in California. I had thought,get a live trap,BUT I first checked with the Animal control and found out that a live trap was Illegal. While I was in a small town here NJ living in a boarding house we had a skunk that was around at night. The building manager decided to use a live trap. I told him to check first with animal Control,he did not. When he called them to remove the live trapped skunk,they told him it was illegal,and they would not come to get it. He had to let the skunk out,and in doing so got sprayed. Some wild animals are protected,so best to check and call before you try to handle them yourself.
    Last edited by anunitu; 22 Apr 2017, 20:31.

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  • Hawkfeathers
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    A raccoon climbed the fence and wandered through my back yard today. I hope it was a one-time visit. It wasn't scared of me at all when I opened the door and yelled at it!

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  • anunitu
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    Originally posted by Heka View Post
    IT RAINED!!!

    It hasnt rained since the first week of Jan!! Weeeeeee!!!
    Can't remember..we are in spring,so you are going into Fall?

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  • Jembru
    Re: Whatcha thinking about now?

    Just did my first tarot reading for another person since getting back into it. It's been around 8 years since I last read for someone. It was for a colleague and went pretty well (she'd read for herself recently and the same cards came out for her which was quite validating).

    After the reading my colleague suddenly asked if I knew someone. The name was a blast from the past and shook me a bit. It was the name of my former teacher from when I was doing mediumship. I thought she'd have passed away by now. I've got a lot of guilt around the way I left and although I'm scared, I know this is my chance to say sorry and make peace with the past. My colleague's mum knows where she lives and may have her phone number. She's agreed to come with me for support too. It won't be easy. She must be so angry with me, but it was 12 years ago and I just know I have to do this while she's still alive to apologise to.
    Last edited by Jembru; 22 Apr 2017, 15:19.

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