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What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

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    Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

    I assume everyone sees my name and thinks that I think I'm a special snowflake. Or a cranky alcoholic.

    This name came from a pagan name generator. :P

    I am, in fact, a rumpled middle-aged man who doesn't shave everyday.

    Just kidding. About that last part. Totally got this name from a pagan name generator on the internet, though.


      Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

      Originally posted by Moonshine Thistlewish View Post
      I assume everyone sees my name and thinks that I think I'm a special snowflake. Or a cranky alcoholic.

      This name came from a pagan name generator. :P

      I am, in fact, a rumpled middle-aged man who doesn't shave everyday.

      Just kidding. About that last part. Totally got this name from a pagan name generator on the internet, though.
      Hee hee hee <--- I giggled.


        Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

        I found one! It named me "Artemis Angel Edris".

        Which apparently wouldn't conceal the fact that I am a rumpled, middle-aged man who doesn't shave everyday, any more than "Dakini Rose" does.


          Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

          Originally posted by Heka View Post
          Does anyone use their craft name anymore? Do people even have craft names? That was the thing when I first started foruming. My name is my craft name. I was using it years ago online, and it just made sense to use it again now.
          I was actually told not to use a craft name, because the separation between "real life" and "magical life" becomes so great that the "real life" persona is completely powerless. And it's just one more name to hold power over you with.


            Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

            Originally posted by perzephone View Post
            Hippie Goth.
            Oooh! Hippie Goth. I kinda like it! :meow:


              Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

              Originally posted by Chessa View Post
              I was actually told not to use a craft name, because the separation between "real life" and "magical life" becomes so great that the "real life" persona is completely powerless. And it's just one more name to hold power over you with.
              i don't consider forums real life though. This is magical life, in the sense that its the only place I can be my magical self. It helps pull my magical and real lives together.... I dunno... I just hope no one ever feels the need to hold power with me...
              ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


              I have never been across the way
              Seen the desert and the birds
              You cut your hair short
              Like a shush to an insult
              The world had been yelling
              Since the day you were born
              Revolting with anger
              While it smiled like it was cute
              That everything was shit.

              - J. Wylder


                Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                I just use the name bobbybobby99 because it is easy to remember
                Overt optimism and overt cynicism are both equally horrendous to my senses. Having a perfectly balanced view of the world only slightly less so. By goddess have an opinion, but kindly avoid blaring it like a wide-eyed idealist or a suicidal Goth.


                  Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                  It's probably just me being self absorbed but I love to hear people's assumptions or first impressions of me


                    Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                    Originally posted by Corvus View Post
                    It's probably just me being self absorbed but I love to hear people's assumptions or first impressions of me
                    Well, being (as I said earlier in this thread) a birder, I thought you liked crows, or they were your totem/whatever, etc.
                    Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                      Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                      Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
                      That's the whole point! That's precisely why I chose it! Nobody has EVER guessed that before!
                      I didn't know what it was, but apparently I've always been able to pronounce it, and spell it. And then it made sense to me, because I know you're a geologist and the first word that pops out is "VOLCANIC". What the eff the "lastic" has to do with it though, is not my specialty. :P

                      I came here in dire need of new perspectives and much learning, and so, that being said:

                      Thalassa: I had to google this one because I had no idea, and then I was led to panthalassa, and I got sucked in. Ever since then, I see your name and think of very large bodies of water, and the nautilus shell, and mystery.

                      Perzephone: The only Persephone I was ever familiar with was the Greek myth, so I was actually right about this one. That's essentially all I thought though, "Oh, this is someone who appreciates that myth,"

                      Gardenia: FLOWERS.

                      Dumuzi: GUNS. Oooozey. Dum. Doom? I still am stumped by this one

                      Kahlenda: For some reason, this just turned into 'coriander' to me. And now I think of him as a spice.

                      I'm sure there's more but that's what I've got. And as for myself, I think most people assume that I'm a male because, well, Bjorn IS a boy's name in certain cultures.
                      No one tells the wind which way to blow.


                        Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                        Originally posted by Corvus View Post
                        It's probably just me being self absorbed but I love to hear people's assumptions or first impressions of me
                        Me too :P

                        Unfortunately not much impression of you yet... Youngish male? That's about as far as I get...

                        Originally posted by Bjorn View Post

                        Dumuzi: GUNS. Oooozey. Dum. Doom? I still am stumped by this one

                        Kahlenda: For some reason, this just turned into 'coriander' to me. And now I think of him as a spice.
                        Yeah I have no idea what Dumuzi is either....

                        And it took me ages to realise Kahlenda was a guy... Now I just call him Kahl and that makes my life easier.
                        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                        I have never been across the way
                        Seen the desert and the birds
                        You cut your hair short
                        Like a shush to an insult
                        The world had been yelling
                        Since the day you were born
                        Revolting with anger
                        While it smiled like it was cute
                        That everything was shit.

                        - J. Wylder


                          Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                          Okay, first thoughts based solely on the username (note: questions were obviously rhetorical if I didn't outright ask):

                          Anunitu - Wtf is that, another Japanese name or something?

                          B. de Corbin - I wonder what the B stands for... Bill, Bruce, Bernie... Gotta be Bruce. Bruce Corbin, I bet.

                          Bjorn - Swedish... something or another. Wasn't Bjorn in the group ABBA?

                          Corvus - Crows, huh? Or is that a play on words, maybe...

                          Dumuzi (and Geshtinanna, at that point) - There's a myth there, or at least a cool story, there's gotta be!

                          FantasyWitch - Now, this one's gotta be sexy!

                          Gardenia - I LOVE gardens!! That IS a flower, right??

                          Girlgoyle - Now, that's cool!

                          HawkFeathers - Oh, hell yes! If you don't have a collection of feathers, from at least one hawk, I'll eat my hat! We should compare collections!

                          JuniperRaven - What does a conifer have to do with ravens... wait. Isn't "juniper" also a color? No, those are berries. Um, where was I?

                          MoonstoneOpal - Flake. I bet you have my horoscope memorized.

                          Perzephone - Uh... why the z? That looks really odd.

                          Roknrol - Headbanging is SO 80's, dude.

                          Thalassa - What in the world is that? Made up?

                          ThorsSon - Son of Thor! Wait... aren't we all? (Psst... notice "lightning"? Thunder is just an aftereffect)

                          Volcaniclastic - Sweet! Volcanoes... what. Something related to pyroclastic flows and cool shit like that??

                          That's about all I can recall, off the top of my head. Some of which, I admit, were really.... creepy reactions, I'm sure.

                          "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

                          "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

                          "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

                          "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


                            Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                            I see chain and think grease...

                            GREASE LIGHTENING!!!
                            ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                            I have never been across the way
                            Seen the desert and the birds
                            You cut your hair short
                            Like a shush to an insult
                            The world had been yelling
                            Since the day you were born
                            Revolting with anger
                            While it smiled like it was cute
                            That everything was shit.

                            - J. Wylder


                              Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                              Originally posted by Heka View Post
                              Does anyone use their craft name anymore? Do people even have craft names? That was the thing when I first started foruming. My name is my craft name. I was using it years ago online, and it just made sense to use it again now.
                              *puts hand up*

                              Though I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Once upon a time, when I was younger and stupider, this was my 'craft name'. I actually no longer really use a 'craft name' but at the time it seemed like a good idea given that my first forum was a pagan one and I was trying to connect with a pagan community.

                              Of course... one day you realise that it's now six years later and you've used it on eight different forums, three blogs, an email address and your DA account... and that you really can't be bothered changing it. lol

                              As far as assumptions go... I actually don't make assumptions based on username or avatar. Sometimes I think... now how the hell did they come up with THAT? But that's not an assumption lol


                                Re: What assumptions did you have when you read usernames of other members?

                                heh I love it. I've been trying to think of something other than corvus since I've sorta moved away from what it represents in my life but I cant think of anything. I guess corvus has just become me ^^;

                                I try not to judge too much based on names but I assumed a few things sometimes
                                V I thought was a rock nut since volcano- and clastic is a kind of rock (volcanic rock I think)
                                Thal has a thing for water since her name is sea in greek
                                caelia I thought was something deep and spiritual which I knew not of from some ancient myth. Come to think of it I still don't know what it means.
                                Perz I thought the z was odd but maybe she wanted to seem more hip? probably someone who's dealt with Persephone.
                                Bjorn something Slavic or shamanistic?
                                Hawkfeathers bird lover
                                Gardenia flower lover
                                Junpier ... well I still think of the Juniper tree story which just leads me down a whole train of thought which is better left unthought
                                Dakini Rose Isnt Dakini a tantric goddess? maybe this person does yoga
                                Last edited by Corvus; 01 Jul 2013, 05:03.

