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Whats everyone reading now or read lately

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    Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

    I am reading "Orlando" by Virginia Woolf. It's a big laggy in parts, but otherwise very enjoyable. I'm a slow reader so even though it's very short, I won't be done for a few days. I'm almost halfway through though, which means that Orlando will be a woman soon.


      Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

      I just really love zombie, vampire, plague books!
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

        Originally posted by Lilium of the Valley View Post
        finding the right book is like finding the right man..i need recommendations! lmao

        what I am looking for in a book to date....ummm to read:

        1 emotional drama action
        2 something that kinda plays with the readers psych
        3 twisted and mysterious
        4 not horror (thats too much)
        5 a little romance ain't bad either
        6 fantasy is very much liked

        Please help me find my match
        You might like Contortionist's Handbook or Dermaphoria by Craig Clevenger. You may also try Kiss Me, Judas by Will Christopher Baer. I'd even suggest By The Light of the Moon by Dean Koontz.

        I'm currently reading Books of Blood from Clive Barker. Some of the stories are entertaining, but for the most part I seem to be dragging myself through the book. Not even sure what I dislike, in particular.


          Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

          Now, I'm reading "Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids"...sometimes I need a reminder to get my zenmama back on.
          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


            Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

            Being laid up and with a broken leg I am reading anything that comes within range

            Just finished The Scarlet thief by Paul Fraser Collard....Susan Cooper "The Dark is rising" next perhaps


              Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

              Last year I read Stephen King's "The Dark Half," which was very, very entertaining and interesting (though the movie was a bit of a bust) and also read "Doctor Sleep" when it came out. In case anyone doesn't know, "Doctor Sleep" is the 30-some years later sequel to "The Shining," which King wrote because apparently the most common question people asked him was, "What ever happened to little Danny Torrance, he must be one screwed up person." It didn't get good reviews from some, probably because it was so different from the original, but I thought it was great.

              Last night I finished reading "The Langoliers," which I thought was fantastic. I'm still working on Anne Rice's "The Witching Hour." It's taking me about two years to read.
              Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom.
              -Erik Erikson


                Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                Originally posted by Clive View Post
                Last year I read Stephen King's "The Dark Half," which was very, very entertaining and interesting (though the movie was a bit of a bust) and also read "Doctor Sleep" when it came out. In case anyone doesn't know, "Doctor Sleep" is the 30-some years later sequel to "The Shining," which King wrote because apparently the most common question people asked him was, "What ever happened to little Danny Torrance, he must be one screwed up person." It didn't get good reviews from some, probably because it was so different from the original, but I thought it was great.

                Last night I finished reading "The Langoliers," which I thought was fantastic. I'm still working on Anne Rice's "The Witching Hour." It's taking me about two years to read.
                I've also been working on Witching Hour for a long time. I feel like I'm forever sifting through mud looking for gold, haha. There are these tiny nuggets of awesome, or little hints of something great, but it never really develops.


                  Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                  I just read "Warlords of Utopia" by Lance Parkin and "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green.

                  They were both fantastic in very different ways. Warlords is about a War between every alternate reality where Rome never fell, and every alternate reality where Hitler won WWII... And somehow the book is not only coherent but a joy to read. It was impressive. Very little character depth, but lets be serious here, the scope of the book didn't leave much room for it.

                  Fault was beautiful. I cried.
                  hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                    Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                    The Witching Hour. You need to get the companion book called The Witches Companion. It's like an almanac of who is who.
                    Satan is my spirit animal


                      Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                      Trying to reread The Prey, by Robert Arthur Smith, but the book is in such disrepair it's near impossible to read its pages in order.

                      And not to be confused with other titles of the same name, yet different authors...


                      "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

                      "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

                      "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

                      "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


                        Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                        Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                        The Witching Hour. You need to get the companion book called The Witches Companion. It's like an almanac of who is who.


                          Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                          The Witching Hour. You need to get the companion book called The Witches Companion. It's like an almanac of who is who.
                          I think Philip has it, actually. I can keep the characters straight, it's just the 500 or so pages of history that throws me off. I wanna know more about Michael and Rowan, dammit! haha
                          Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom.
                          -Erik Erikson


                            Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                            I've been reading the Amazon reviews of 'Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bears' damn near all day, and they're absolutely hysterical.

                            No one tells the wind which way to blow.


                              Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                              Originally posted by Clive View Post
                              I think Philip has it, actually. I can keep the characters straight, it's just the 500 or so pages of history that throws me off. I wanna know more about Michael and Rowan, dammit! haha
                              Back in my day when I read it, there wasn't a companion book. I actually drew a family tree. Because 'Uncle Julian' was a player across the centuries it seems.
                              Satan is my spirit animal


                                Re: Whats everyone reading now or read lately

                                I have finally finished the audiobook The Prestige by Christopher Priest. I have to just say a few things about this audiobook. First the narrator was amazing. His vocal talents spanned from that of a 3 year old child to that of an aging and dying man. He really made this story come to life. And to life it did! I have to tell you, I saw the movie and thought oh the book will just be great. If the movie were a human being and the book one too..Well the movie is 30% human while the book was the human life in retrospective and complete. Down to every dirty dark secret held in the human heart. I had NO idea there was such depth to this story. The movie was but a gleam of this amazing story. It was indeed long. Over 12 hours. And the very last hour I had kept on hold for just the right time. I was 30 minutes in to the end when I knew I needed to really throw myself into it. I took a long walk tonight in the dark. And listened.

                                Next to The Strain trilogy, it's my number two book so far!

                                And I'm off to listen to a relatively short story called Of Love and Evil: Songs of the Seraphim by Anne Rice. It's her second book off the Angel series. Pretty much about a bad guy turned good to help his guardian angel with some human need cases back in time. It's very mystery, crime, history like.
                                Satan is my spirit animal

